This Summer I'm going to have to try to refrain from any Treasure Hunting, going places and doing things due to budget constraints... *Le Sigh* 

 Which will mean living vicariously through The Land Of Blog and my Blogging Buddies.   Seeing what great adventures you're all on and what fabulous Found Treasure 'Scores' and Shows you're sharing... Window Shopping in The Land Of Blog versus tempting myself by any real Shopping adventures. 

Yeah, it sucks... and it will mean more creativity with my Posts where I'm sharing more of:

Posts of what I already have and am arranging and re-arranging around this ole' House...

Posts of my Bohemian Bling Collection...

And Food Posts...

And unexpected Precious Kodak Moments Posts... Note Princess T's Beanie Baby Kitty she has strategically placed peeking out the venetian blinds while we have Soup! *Smiles*

Posts of my favorite Herbs and Fragrances... and what I use them for...

Such 'fascinating' things as Posts of my Wine cork collection... *Winks*

And NO, I didn't drink all the Wine to get them *LOL*... they were a 99 cent score from a Thrift Store, honest... I know, I know, you probably don't believe me and believe I'm drowning out my sorrows in The Land Of Vino... I WISH!!! *Smiles*

But I will get to share past Treasure Hunting "Scores" that I hadn't Posted about yet...

Like this great Vintage European Enamel Breadbox in a beautiful shade of Green that was such a ridiculously low price I felt surely it must be a mistake?!?  Cool Enamelware keeps things fresh in a hot Desert environment so I use my pieces all the time for food storage.

And who could pass up a fabulously detailed Sari Wrap for a Dollar!?!?  Not I... And reflecting upon past Treasure Hunting fun will keep me looking forward to the time when I will be able to do it again sometime in the future...

But in the meantime I shall focus on my Art and filling the orders for my Bohemian Bags...

And the fixing up or altering of peeps beautiful existing creations that had unfortunate mishaps... such as the matted dreadlocking of the previous high maintenance eyelash fringe that once graced this lovely Tapestry Bag... and was able to be replaced with a lower maintenance Silk Fringe and trim...

 Remember my Friends, anything that is lovely and well made usually can be salvaged, restored or repaired so don't despair or discard it when time and wear takes a toll... have it resurrected...

I'll spend more time tending to my Gardens...

Reaping the Harvest from my Veggie and Herb Gardens...

And sharing Posts of my Fur Babies...

And Posts of my G-Babies...

And what they are creating and sharing...

Princess T is 'into' Couture Hat making at the moment... She wanted Gramma to wear this ensemble to Church... *Winks*  Why not... this is probably as close to Couture as I'm ever gonna get and it's quite distinctive dont'cha think? *LOL*

And strange Posts about the little details of Life that stand out... such as almost having a Heart Attack when I was Gardening and spied this only inches beside me... thinking it was real... and then LMAO and greatly relieved when I realized it was only one of the G-Babies oversized Rubber Insects... *Whew!*

Yes, there will be more Kodak Moments around the Garden...

And of my many Collections...

Posts of what is in Bloom...

And what is flying towards what is in bloom!!!

YES... with my little inexpensive point and shoot camera I inadvertently and unintentionally caught this Bee in flight towards said Bloom... and his Buddy already wallowing in the Pollen!!! *Smiles*  

And intentionally perfecting my Photographic Art of the Close-Up...

There will be Posts about our Friends and especially about all the beautiful new Babies...

Yes, she's as beautiful as her Mama...

I'm thinking it must be in the Water???... Everyone seems to be procreating this Spring... AVOID the Water!!!!!!!!! ... *Winks*

As long as I don't have to raise more of them I'm absolutely smitten with the wee ones *smiles*... Spoil 'em and then send 'em Home is the IDEAL at this Season of Life... *Winks*

And there's MORE on the way... so stay tuned for future Beautiful Baby Posts as well...

Yes my Friends, it sucks that I must suspend the delightful past-time of Hunting for Found Treasures and enjoying the Thrill Of The Hunt that I so enjoy and look forward to...

But I can live vicariously through The Land Of Blog until I'm back in the game... and challenge myself to Post about other topics you and I might enjoy in the meantime... So for now I shall be a spectator and cheering you on from the sidelines... I Hope not for too long... lest I go through Treasure Hunter's Withdrawal, and need Junquer's Rehab... which is not a pretty sight and ever so painful *Smiles*...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

I'm joining Tricia's Blog Party over at A ROSY NOTE for Photo Feature Friday... the Theme this week is Flowers... so come join the fun!
