I've been wanting one of these for a long, long time... but they just don't become available very often... or when they do, the price is somewhere in the stratosphere.  Not surprising since the cost of a new one was in the stratosphere from the get-go. I got a quote from John a long time ago and I just couldn't consider it, way over my budget. They were custom orders and not too many were apparently made and I seriously doubt, like her bags, that Robin is filling or taking many *or any* orders for either anymore? Which is a shame... because I believe the demand is as high as ever.  So obtaining one at a price I could afford... pure Bohemian Valhalla! *triple swoon*  I'm actually preparing this Post draft optimistically and prematurely... since I haven't yet won the item, but I'm hoping... and even if I get outbid, it was certainly worth sharing the photos of this magnificent piece don't you think?  My Hope is that it flies under the radar since most MP lovers are focusing on the clothing line or bags?  I have enough of the clothing line to be content and a fine collection of the bags I've collected over the past several years, so this was high on my wish list for Found Treasures in 2011.  Just seeing one at every angle was a delight, as in all of Robin's work the details, materials and workmanship are truly stunning and creative.  I only Hope it's long enough to encircle a BMW? *wink*  Alas, I found that all of MP tops were not made for the larger or bodaciously built Woman and so my more petite Daughters and grown Grand-Daughters will benefit from that reality.  No matter how skinny I might strive to be, the girls aren't likely to deflate and so I've given up on wearing any MP tops... luckily I've found clothing lines that create beautiful Bohemian wear in real Women sizes too... like Rare Earth Designs from Frilly Frocks... thanks Angela for accommodating the BMW's of the world that love this style of clothing! I've never quite understood, when I look around me at the size of the average American Woman of any age, why most Designers and retailers of fashionable clothing lines don't understand or acknowledge that the vast majority of us are no longer *or ever were* a size 6?  *puzzled expression*  The irony being that back in da day, when I was a size 1 *yes a size ONE*, I couldn't find clothing in THAT size either and lamented constantly because I often had to buy lil Girl's clothing until after I had my 2nd child and got closer in size to double digits. *Smiles*  Now at this Season of life I no longer care to be that diminutive since a plumper skin tends to = less wrinkles and sagging skin *smiles*... but I'd still like to find fashionable clothing more easily accessible and available in my size.  But I digress... *stepping down off soapbox*... and by the time this posts I will have either won or lost this fabulous piece... either way, the sharing of it was still a Joy... because all things beautiful delight me, whether I own them or not... Dawn... The Bohemian  

PS: Alas, I lost the auction in the last two seconds... se la vie.

*All images cribbed from Elizabeth Fagan's auction.*