New MP Bag and 1st Bag I ever made

I'm a self professed Fabric Junkie and anything made of Beautiful Fabrics calls to me like a Siren's Song.   And though I make my own Fabric Art there are pieces made by other fav Artists that are always high on my 'Wish List' and I can't wait 'til some special occasion to Hope for.  I've been collecting the Fabric Art of Robin Brown of Magnolia Pearl for a long time.  I love it and it's no secret that my own Fabric Art was inspired by Robin's fabulous work and I've intentionally made the pieces I use daily in a similar style because I want to save my beloved MP Bags for special use and in near-pristine condition for visual enjoyment and inspiration for years to come, so I'm careful I don't wear them out.  When I first saw Robin's fur bag line many years ago I fell in love with them.  Needless to say I waited too long and gave up Hope of owning one.  So, fast forward to this year and Valentine's Day coming up... The Man knows I will want something ultra special and that I'll seek it out early on, I'm very proactive like that... because preparation + opportunity = success in my book! *wink*  So I'm thinking to myself... wouldn't it be grand if a fur MP Bag came up for auction or sale at about this time?  Well... one did... but the asking price was far too high for me to consider *le sigh* and so I just pacified myself with saving the auction photos of it... hoping it might inspire me to just make a fur bag and call it a day?! *smiles*  But... I'm still Hopeful and thinking to myself... well, if it doesn't sell perhaps it will be re-listed at a more affordable price that is do-able?  Knowing full well that it would mean the miracle of it being re-listed at half the price ... and what are the odds of that... and then winning it!!?  But... I tend to be an extreme optimist by nature ... perpetually Hopeful and firmly believing in the laws of attraction.  So... Hopeful Me waited... and sure enough... it happened peeps... re-listed half the price... WHAM ... Valentine's Day Love... it's mine!!! *wink*  Actually I bundled *been watching too much American Pickers I know... LOL* and since our Anniversary is just weeks away from Valentine's Day, I bought another bag from the same sweet Gal... had a condition issue, but nothing I can't repair, crafty Chica that I am *wink*... and I'll reveal that MP Treasure closer to our Anniversary... with 'before' and 'after' pixs of my restoration of it... And so, I've had the exciting, extreme pleasure of early dreamy Valentine's Day Love, acquiring THAT ULTRA SPECIAL piece you Hope and yearn for, perhaps even for a LONG, LONG time like I have... and I truly Hope all you dear ones have some Valentine's Day Love too and receive something ultra special that called to you like a Siren's Song... Dawn... The Bohemian  

PS: Yep, I know this is a very premature Post... but I couldn't wait to show off this very special piece or hold it under wraps for a few more weeks... pure torture that would have been *wink* ... and, if we're going to agree upon you receiving YOUR ultra special Valentine's Day Love piece and activate the laws of attraction for you my dear Friends... well... the sooner the better I always say... why wait???!?!?!  Life is too short... live it and enjoy it fully... however that translates for you!!!  