I have mine, but if you don't have yours yet, Shelly Sessions of Sirens And Saints has created more fabulous Bohemian Bags!   There's Vintage Tapestry ones, Animal Prints, Crocheted Lace, European Cut Velvet and combos of all of the above!   Minnie modeled one of her favs for us.  Shelly, where do you find the time to create all this fabulousness with your super busy schedule GF?!?   And while I was there I also had to check out the new Dos Fannies Jewelry creations and that divine Antique French Holy Water Font!  *swoon*  And the cute fashions... Note to self: lose the excess weight so I can find some of these styles I'm adoring in my size and look as adorable in them as the Mannequins and sweet Minnie!!!  Okay... well, maybe JUST losing weight won't accomplish THAT much of a miracle *LOL*... but if you're gonna dream, dream big I always say *wink*... Dawn... The Bohemian  

Be sure to join us for Beverly's PINK SATURDAY at HOW SWEET THE SOUND Blog!