For all of the Missing of each other it didn't take more than a couple of Hours after the G-Son had returned Home from Church Summer Camp before the Beast Princess was trying to do him in. *Le Sigh*  Oh sure, she was nice and loving towards him at first, but it didn't take long to get back to "Our" Normal. *  And this meant that while I was preoccupied multi-tasking in another room, making a fresh Berry Shortcakes Homecoming Treat and talking to the BFF on the Phone... she jumped square in the middle of his back as he languished on his tummy on our new luxurious Persian Rug!  So off to the ER we go... to ensure nothing was broken or internally amiss...  So much for the Zen Moments I had anticipated for the rest of the evening...

As we check in and tell them the incident the Nurse smiles and says, "Was it an accident?"  The G-Son and I in complete harmony say, "No, not really..." *LOL*  She glances over at the Beast Princess resplendant in her Ballerina ensemble and Panda Bear Cap...

Charming and entertaining everyone by doing pirouettes and her interpretation of the Dance Of Swan Lake across the ER Lobby.  With an Audience the Beast Princess cleans up well I must say... little do they know that such an endearing face and delicate Artistic inclined Soul can have such an ominous dark side! *Winks* 

 "We've seen that Dance and she does it so well..." a young Couple marvels, "How long has she been in Dance Classes?"   "She hasn't..." I say, "She just watches a lot of  the Arts on educational channels and memorizes the routines."  Yeah, I'll admit the kid has a lot of raw talent and Loves the Art of the Dance... the moment she saw the new Persian Rug she had donned one of her Belly Dance ensembles and set about doing a seductive Dance Of The Seven Veils across it. *Winks*  I only wish she had chosen not to Dance across her Brother's back and Leap upon him unawares... or perhaps she was attempting to Leap across him, we'll never know... *Smiles*  But thankfully the X-Rays show he had no broken back or ribs and he'll be okay, though very sore and bruised... and will just have to be more wary of the Dancing Beast Princess... because all Gramma's speeches and consequences have not managed to Tame The Beautiful Beast to date...

Dawn... The Bohemian