After just having endured a Burglary and seeing the numerous tragic natural disasters and catastophies unfolding across the Country and the Global World... it got me to thinking about those things that each of us consider priceless, irreplaceable... you know, those things with Sentimental Value.  Items in our Lives that there is no real dollar figure one could attach to as a "value" because it would never be bought or sold and perhaps to anyone other than ourselves, it might even be deemed of little value, insignificant or worthless. We'd simply be heartbroken if anything ever happened to THOSE items because they are cherished in a particularly special way.

Cherished Family Photos... Gifts... one of a kind items... original Art... an item that evokes a Memory of a special time, place or an event... Heirlooms... something made especially for us... the creations of our Loved ones lovingly presented and proudly displayed... something simple like a dried Flower, Letter or a Found Treasure that couldn't be replicated... Souvenirs... a special favored Vintage Item or Antique that we may never run across again... something with "Our Story" attached to it... the list can be practically endless as to what has Sentimental Value to each individual or Family.  And those coming into our Home and Lives may never have a clue as to which items, of the many we have or display, mean the most to US... and they might be surprised to learn that something they deem would be worthy is not "IT" at all, but something more obscure, less expensive, ordinary, seemingly insignificant or humble.  

I like to imagine and think that some of the Found Treasures I've "rescued", salvaged, given a new Home to and appreciate are those items that were perhaps "IT" at some time to someone? And wonder how they came to be parted from whoever might have cherished them at one time... if ever they had Sentimental Value?  And there is always that possibility that they become "IT" for me or to someone I give them to... you never know. *winks*

I am always deeply saddened when I see or experience the loss of such items because it is a much deeper and lasting loss than that which can be replaced or has no sentiment attached to it. I've experienced such losses and perhaps you have too... or known someone who has... and certainly we've seen those unfortunate Souls that have "lost it all"...  or most of it... and my Heart breaks for them. I'm thankful that at least for myself such types of losses have been minimal enough that I could cope and bounce back.  Sure, there is still a void and longing for those things which I can never get back that were lost and priceless to me in some Sentimental way... maybe they had economic value too, but that pales in comparison to the value of the sentiment.

But it is interesting to look around us and appraise what it is that we truly value above all else in the way of our 'stuff'... and then realize that apart from that, the REALLY VALUABLE and irreplaceable are not things at all... but those that we Love, be they Man or Beast... the Relationships... there isn't a 'thing' in the World that can compare to THAT my Friends... and it transcends even Sentiment.

"Gypsy" RIP

"Rat Boy" RIP

"Peaches" RIP

"Missy Foo Foo" RIP

A Short Tribute to some of our Dear departed Fur Babies... these types of Losses are always some of the hardest to endure...

I'll be linking up with FADED CHARM for WHITE WEDNESDAY... because some of my Sentimental and favorite Lovelies are shades of Ivory and White... even though most of my World is a saturation of Color! *Winks*

Dawn... The Bohemian
