You might wonder why it's crucial...
Why I MUST surround myself with Beauty my Friends?
Well, let me take  you to a darker side of our charming little existance...
To where the Beast Princess prowls and plays...

(Cue Slasher Music or the Theme from the Addams Family...)
Yes, there it was... on a Sabbath Morning prior to taking her TO CHURCH... the great Barbie & Ken Massacre... strewn about their room... the carnage was of epic Biblical proportions... *Gasp!*

Yes, though Gramma's portions of this old House are strewn with Beauty that I surround myself with... in an attempt to invite the vibe of Peace, Tranquility, Harmony, Calm, Love and Zen...

In other rooms there are scenes such as this!!!  Doll nudity... dismembered bodies... severed heads...

Horrendous chaos reigning like an Apocalypse!!!

Yes, how could a face as Angelic appearing as THIS create such a scene you might wonder... am I raising Wednesday Addams in disguise?!? *LOL*

Should I be concerned that the play Kitchen Set I bought for her, rather than the faux Knives and Cleavers being used to cut up healthy portions of Veggies & Fruits for a Princesses Tea Party, they lay instead beside naked Barbies with their limbs bent at painful angles and Barbies in Gowns with snapped necks as though attacked at the Prom by a demented Ninja?!?!?!?!  *Shower Scene and Theme Song from Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" now playing across my psyche! LOL*

She dressed herself for Church this day and was quite a vision... in her fussy Feminine Dress and Black Patent Leather Shoes her Auntie just bought for her this weekend...
"I look quite Churchy..." she grins as we photograph the obligatory Diva Princess poses she insists upon...

"Yeah," I says... "You do." ... as I quietly think to myself... and little do they know the carnage the Beast Princess left behind in her lair... back at the old Homestead... on this bright, sunny Sunday Morning before she charmingly heads to Church... *Winks*

And this is part of the reason why...
I MUST surround myself with Beauty...
As a Lovely Distraction...
Or be afraid... VERY afraid... *Smiles & a Wink*

Dawn... The Bohemian

[Wednesday is hooking up an electric chair]
Wednesday: Pugsley, sit in the chair.

Pugsley: Why?

Wednesday: So we can play a game.

Pugsley: What game?

Wednesday: [strapping him in] It's called, "Is There a God?"
