Source: Looking For Rainbows In The Moonlight

Source: Blessed Wild Apple Girl

Source: Mary Quite Contrary Santa Fe

Source: Photography by Tolis

Source: Ananas a'


Source: New Ivy Style

Source: Hearst Retreat, California

Source: Nathalie Graafland

Source: Indian Summer

Source: Sweet Willow Tree

Source: Sharyn Bromley

One of my favorite things about this delightful Land Of Blog is connecting with Kindred Spirits... I've noticed that when your Blog is visited, quite often you will find much in common with the visitor.  It is how I have often discovered other amazing Blogs of the visitors that have connected to me via my site and allowed me the opportunity to now discover theirs... and realize how very similar we are in so many ways no matter where in the World we come from!!!

Such was the case recently when a Visitor became a Supporter and then through that connection I was able to discover her Beautiful Blog TOO CUTE THINGS where she stores her Dreambook Of  Images gleened via the wonder of the Internet Search Engines.  I intended to visit a short time so as not to while the entire afternoon away, but found myself so equally captivated by the Images she was drawn to, it was as if her appreciative eyes mirrored mine!  And so I began saving one, then another... and another... and another... to my favorites... and then decided that I simply must just do a Post and share them with you too my Friends! *Winks*  I have Sourced some of the Images whose incriptions identified a Source to give credit where due to the magnificent photography we are enchanted by.  If you recognize any of the others as being yours please let me know so we can give you credit and go view more of your Photographic Magic! 

Thank you for visiting from Holland my new Friend... your Dreambook Of Images mirror mine so very closely that we could have been long lost Sisters separated at Birth *Winks*...  It is always such a Joy to connect to yet another Bohemian Spirit... your lovely Blog delighted my eyes and Spirit for hours that afternoon...  And for all the visitors of today's Post, go over to TOO CUTE THINGS and say Hi... and behold a wealth of eye candy that will put you in a visual trance of pure enchantment...

Dawn... The Bohemian
