In the Summertime the Desert gets crazy Hot...

Exceeding 100 degrees daily... sometimes by a LOT...

And yet there is still much Blooming and being Bountiful against the odds...

The Desert still thrives and provides in spite of the intense unrelenting heat...

Everything seems to overproduce in fact... to ensure survival of itself and beyond itself to others...

There is an abundance of Life in a most unlikely & often hostile environment...

Delicate Colorful Blossoms in profusion...

Huge surreal Blossoms amid the Thorns...

Life has adapted and improvised...

And it never ceases to Amaze me...

To Teach me...

Encourage me...

Often take my breath away by the unexpected Beauty...

And boldness and brilliance of Color... and
Size of what Nature is able to produce with very, very little resources...

Showing me that you don't need to have a lot to still Bloom magnificently and be Bountiful and able to share...

Nature finds a way to do it all the time...

Regardless of the environment...

Or the seeming lack of ideal resources... like poor soil, little rain, brutal temperatures...

Things make do... and do well in spite of the odds stacked against them...

They make their Nests and raise their Young... even amid the Thorns...

Because there is a Harvest if you know where to find it...

And they seek to find it... and thrive...

Sometimes you have to look closely to find them because they have become Masters at concealing and protecting themselves...

Because Life isn't easy... but it can be rich all the same...

And every so often they get bold and reveal themselves... these elusive creatures...

That have made the Desert their Home...

Along with the Beautiful Native Herbs & Plants that have also made the Desert their Home...

And we're all co-existing together... Blooming and Bountiful against the odds...
As a powerful Testimony that it is possible and can be done... we're living proof of that...

Dawn... The Bohemian
