ret·ro [ réttrō ]

1: Modeled on something from past: modeled on something from the past such as a style of fashion or music.

2: Use of past styles: the practice of modeling things such as clothes or music on styles from the past, or an example of such a practice.

Synonyms: period, old-fashioned, dated, historical, passé

Yep, as we move through NOT TOO SHABBY into other Styles... Styles and Decor that epitomize Retro to me, I realize that I've got a side to my aesthetic and personality that is most definitely Retro! 

Retro isn't any one era or period mind you... I suppose it depends on which Generation you're a Member of that will define Retro to YOU...

But as for ME... the images that come to mind are the Color combinations, Styles and Decor of the 50's and 60's mostly... 

The period of my Youth...

Those images that transport me back in Time to an Era I fully recall and fondly remember...

Where things were fresh in their simplicity, vividly colored, bold during those eras, quirky or funky...

Images that somehow make me reminisce about the quirky Motels and Diners that used to line the Interstates like Route 66... 

The Ozzie & Harriet Era AND the Hippie Era...

Of which I had a foot in each and a point of reference of living both as the Decades rolled on...

Crayola Color schemes... Black & White Checkerboard Patterns dominated one Era...

Those are more the childhood memories for me...

And though NOT TOO SHABBY doesn't carry the Psychedelic Hippie Era Decor per se... I have been able to find some great Bohemian items among the Found Treasures that evoke the Free Spirit Style in me and remind me of the 60's vibe I enjoyed so much and still cling to in so many ways of Style and Fashion...

Yep, I've often been accused of being Stuck In The Sixties and that's okay... *Smiles*

Feathering your Nest in Retro Style and Fashion is fun...

And different in a way that is making a comeback actually...

Because I've found if you keep anything long enough it eventually comes back in Style and popularity... *Winks*  Giving us those doses of Nostalgia that are so sweet...

Please join us for the Blog Party over at Debra's COMMON GROUND for Vintage Inspiration Friday... what has been inspiring YOU this day?  For me it was all about the Retro...

Nostalgically Yours this day... Dawn... The Bohemian
