Okay, so I know we're all Princesses deep on the inside and what would a Princess be without a little Romance thrown in?!  But what if you're just not 'all in' or comfortable with that fussy ultra Feminine Romantic Style and look?  What then?

Perhaps you are more what I like to call The Salvage Romantic?

So as we conclude The Grief Therapy Tour through NOT TOO SHABBY  and move from one Style to yet another... perhaps you're a Romantic at Heart but your Style also encompasses the Rough, the Salvaged, Upcycled, and well worn?  Can the two Styles meld... certainly... why not!?  


I am fully convinced that Salvage Style can have an aura of Romance and Femininity about it...

It might look more Shabby than Chic... and more eclectically Romantic...

But can't you just envision the Romance behind an Architectural Salvage Gingerbread Corbel... perhaps gleaned from a Grand Southern Mansion reminiscent of 'Gone With The Wind'?

Yes, the upscale look of Old Silver can look complimentary to Galvanized Tin, Salvage Art and organic Burlap Feed Sack...

Salvage pieces can be found in the soft hues that appeal to the Romantic Spirit in us...

Just look at this lovely shade of Dove Gray the Old Metal Suitcase sports...
And ornate Salvage Architectural pieces in White... Romantic...

Even our utilitarian pieces can have the Salvage Romantic vibe...

Sourcing Salvage pieces for those of us with a Junquing Gene can be as much fun as decorating with it...

We rise to the challenge of creating our Dream Palace out of Salvage pieces that inspire a Romantic Vision on the canvas of our imaginations...

Perhaps Romantic Lighting Fixtures along with time worn Garden Tools and an old Bed Frame propped up as Wall Art?

Lovely Vintage Luggage filled with vignettes that transport us to some Romantic Destination in our minds...

Salvaging old Chairs and reupholstering them with Romantic yet sturdy & simple European Country Fabrics...

Yes you can meld the Classic Romantic Style with a Salvage Style that is still the essence of a Romantic Spirit...

Rough Garden pieces weathered and worn can be Salvaged and brought indoors... crates and bird cages... Salvaged Botanical Prints from the Pages of a tattered Book...

There needn't be any boundaries...

Allow your Romantic Heart to take you where ever it leads as you fulfill your Nesting instinct... be it items washed up and Salvaged from the Shores of the Sea... or creating your own Romantic Art out of  Salvaged finds...

Layer with the Beauty that speaks to YOU... and embodies your particular aesthetic and sense of Style... and just makes you Happy and Content... feeling every bit the Special Woman that you are...

But its not just for the Ladies mind you... oh no... those lucky Guys that realize how a Romantic Space can transform us Gals into the Sirens we can be will certainly appreciate the fringe benefits of a Gal surrounded by Beauty and Romance all the time... *Winks*

Be The Salvage Romantic that perhaps you are... or would like to become...

That Earthy Princess... or the Guy looking for her...

Who is drawn to surrounding herself with what Romance means to her... and would feel most content in such a Space...

However unusual and eclectic that may be...

After all there's no right or wrong way to follow your own Heart...

And create that Magical and Enchanting place in your Life...

That is fully YOUR Vision and Dream or Fantasy Space...

Yes... there is much of the Salvage Romantic in Yours Truly... and a whole lot of other Eclectic Passions as well ... I'm certainly not a one dimensional personality... I have many sides... *Winks*...  Be bold, explore yourself... uncover layers of your personality and tastes that may have remained dormant or suppressed... and go with it... because it's all good...

Dawn... The Bohemian