Any time I'm over at Carol's "Cottage Garden II" my list of favorite lovelies can grow very, very long.  The Shop is being featured in December's issue of Sunset Magazine... CONGRATULATIONS Carol, now even more fans can come to shop!!!   The creations of Becky Edwards *broken China Jewelry*, Pure West *Bohemian Bags* and Laura Van *Metal Tole Florals on Wooden creations* are among some of my very favorite pieces.   And I'm enjoying the creations of various Artists out of old keys... blinging them out is an outstanding way of repurposing ordinary objects into wearable Art and it has inspired me to dig out all my old common keys and see how I can jazz 'em up and make Bohemian Treasure I can wear, out of what may have previously seemed worthless and might have been discarded.  Turning trash to Treasure is always a rush for the Artist isn't it? 

And for what it's worth... here's my two cents worth about what can often be a controversial topic, especially among Artists or their devout fans *wink... because being outspoken is how I roll*: I personally love that various Artists are putting their own spin on hot popular styles of such things as Altered Art Jewelry, certain Music or other Artistic creations they were particularly inspired by.  None of us invented the wheel... but like various makers of Automobiles were inspired by the original auto made by Ford... variety is the Spice Of Life... especially for customers.  How limited would the World be if only Ford ever made the automobile and was the only game in town?  I think it has benefit the consumer that others followed in the footsteps of Ford and began creating their own versions of transportation.  I strongly feel this way about ALL Art... there can NEVER be too many Artists creating beautiful Art and giving their creations their personal touch and point of view. Even if it's been done before the vision and spin each Artist brings to their creations is refreshing... and what Artist hasn't been inspired by another Artist's work?  None that I know of anyway, even the well known ones will confess they had a Mentor or someone who came before them that they greatly admired and emulated... everybody was inspired by something already created... be it in Nature or man-made.  Musicians, Architects, Dancers,  Singers, Painters, Writers, Fabric Artists, Jewelry Makers, Fashion Designers, Sculptors... in fact ANY of the Arts have a long History and many inspirational creative Geniuses that have inspired many others who came along... made their own mark and then developed their own loyal following of fans... and so the cycle continues to this day.  And the new Artists are usually very affordable for the average person to discover and support... before they become well known and prices enter the stratosphere and end up out of the reach of most people!  I am always on the lookout for the work of a new Artist.  If I really like someone's work, even if few have ever heard about them yet, I acquire my collection of their work early on... and over time that has certainly paid off as a once obscure Artist has suddenly been discovered and appreciated by others or made it big.  And even if they remain relatively unknown... I like what I like. ... so there's no down side to following your Heart in support of YOUR favorite Artists. As an Artist I am flattered and delighted if I've managed to inspire someone else with any of my work or become a Mentor to an up and coming fledgling Artist.  I've been creating in one form or another for over 45 years and I Hope that other long time Artists consider taking the time to encourage and inspire the next generations of talent in the Arts so that the Arts stay strong and vital.   Then we can all saturate the World with beauty and unique creations!

And so we come to my latest acquisitions from Carol's delightful Shop... a couple of Milagro Style Sacred Heart ornaments that I plan to create a pair of Bohemian Treasure Necklaces with... the smaller one is actually a Locket and can hold a small Talisman.  But they'll likely hang on the Christmas Tree this year until they receive a transformation into their new wearable Life.

May 2011 be a year when those who have creativity in their veins step out boldly and create their Art with vision... making versions of what they Love and are inspired by without inhibitions and with the complete confidence that whatever has been placed within them in the form of their Artistic Nature was put there by the Great Creator Himself... and so it is good... Dawn... The Bohemian 

Be sure to visit us at "Common Ground" Blog for "Vintage Inspiration Friday" and share what decor inspired you this Christmas!? 

~ In every art beginners must start with models of those who have practiced the same art before them. And it is not only a matter of looking at the drawings, paintings, musical compositions, and poems that have been and are being created; it is a matter of being drawn into the individual work of art, of realizing that it has been made by a real human being, and trying to discover the secret of its creation. ~

~ We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. ~

"One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes