Amisha of GORGEOUS AND FUN THINGS had recently invited me to join in on her Creative Blog Party which is held every Sunday for those of us who have a creative Spirit, whether it be crafts, jewelry, food, decorating... whatever you create that you would like to share and talk about... so lets join in on the fun... and head on over to Amisha's to see all of the inspiring creations being shared...

I decided to share my most recent creation, the last of a group of pieces made for a Friend out of an Antique Chinese Tapestry.   There was a Carpet Bag, a Medicine Bag and the first pillow... and finally this 2nd pillow, which she has had to patiently wait far too long upon.  I wish I had more quiet time to involve myself in the creative process and that these old hands would hold up better to do my Art... but I still enjoy creating what I can, when I can... even if it's not as often as I would like or I could.  I do find that the creative process cannot be forced or the results are just not the same... and so coordinating precious free time... and days when arthritic joints are cooperating... with times of Artistic inspiration can be somewhat of a challenge and a juggling act.  I'm not a very adept juggler, which is why I never ran off with the Circus. *winks*  I tend to drop too many balls when I have too many in the air, which seems to be most of the time lately... and so when I can get to my Art... and create... it brings a balance and Peace to my Spirit and Soul that I thoroughly enjoy and can get lost in.  Well, until the shrill calls of "Gramma"... "Mom"... or "Honey" snap me back into reality and all the other tasks at hand that allegedly require my immediate attention JUST when I'm settling into a creative rhythm and groove... *LOL*... ah well, such is life...  Dawn... The Bohemian