When I want a heavy dose of the Romantic I head for MELROSE VINTAGE and it never fails to deliver all that inspires a Romantic vision in decorating Styles.  From the moment you step up to the front door you are drawn into another World, as even the entryway is decorated lavishly.  Right away there was this chippy Green oversized Architectural Salvage Trim Mirror that mezmerized me, it looked as though it could have come out of an old West Saloon... it would overwhelm any tiny room in this ole' House, but for anyone with a grand sized room, this would be the anchor piece of all anchor pieces! *swooning*  And the Vintage Bottles with fabulous Altered Art Crystal Cross Stoppers... OMG... I want them ALL!  *Smiles*  Okay, well, if I can't have them all, at the very least the two on the right-hand side for now *wink*, I'm practically hearing Heavenly Music playing in my head as I swoon over them... I shouldda been born rich because my tastes are definitely extravagant! *LOL*  When I get a Rush while seeing something for the first time you can be sure it's expensive, even before you take a peek at the price tag! *wink*  Champagne taste on Beer drinkers money, that's me.  But if something stays on my Heart and mind peeps, I'll find a way... after all, don't you always if you want something badly enough?  Any time I hear someone lament that they can't have or do something I always wonder how badly they actually want it? Because it has been my observation and experience that if you're on fire for something, burning with Passion about it... anything, whatever lights YOUR Fire... you'll do whatever it takes to make it your reality... and if not, then the Passion for it was not really there at a level that made it worth sacrificing and striving for.  So my Word for you this day would be... direct your Passion into an intense focus upon it... aim for it... envision yourself already with it in your grasp... do the work to head in that direction, even if it's baby steps towards it... speak it... feel it... posses and own it in your imagination first... have great expectations and expect the very best outcome... and don't be at all surprised when it becomes not just your Vision or Dream... but your Reality... Dawn... The Bohemian 

I'm linking up with Debra over at COMMON GROUND for VINTAGE INSPIRATION FRIDAY! Come on over and see what is inspiring all the peeps... 

Where there is no vision, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18

One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. ~ Sidney Howard

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~ Henry Ford

If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. ~ Lawrence J. Peter

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~ Author Unknown
