It's time once again for Rosary Sunday... today I'm sharing a couple of Figural Rosaries, they are among my favorite types since the figures encased in each bead are so beautiful and special.  Usually the figures are of Jesus, the Blessed Mother, the Sacred Heart, a Saint or the Cross.  I'm also sharing another Irish Horn Antique Rosary.  The Amethyst tubular Glass Bead Rosary is one of my creations. And finally, though not a Rosary, I'm sharing a favorite style of Religious Art, the Icon... this one made into a small hand-held Pendant.  The G-Kids photo is thrown in for good measure just because their precious faces always make me smile and nothing I've collected, no matter how magnificent, compares with the brilliantly beautiful Smile of a precious Child...  Blessings... Dawn... The Bohemian 