I used to believe I was very specific about what attracted me... I was wrong.  Until I began to Blog on a regular basis about those attractions I had to things I wasn't really aware of how random my attractions really were!  I'm all over the board in fact!!!  Sure, there are those specific things that will attract me almost every time... Architectural Salvage, Old Houses and Bohemian Bling being a few that come to mind almost immediately since I'll zero in on those like some kind of internal radar is going off when I'm even remotely in proximity to them! *Smiles*  But I'm also finding I have a strange pull towards a multitude of things that almost seem random in that they don't have very much in common with each other.   Like why do I have to get closer to scrutinize any interesting doorway or door because I'm strangely fascinated by them?  Porches and Balconies... I can walk around neighborhoods for HOURS just looking at front Porches and Balconies... no, not in cookie cutter subdivisions where I wouldn't be able to tell one house from the other, get hopelessly lost, and front Porches or Balconies are a thing of the past... but I'm talking about older Homes and neighborhoods that still have these particular designs and charming details.  Though I don't collect them, Vintage Packaging and International Packaging almost always stops me dead in my tracks and I not only enjoy the graphics and interesting way things were packaged in bygone eras and different Countries, but I like to read the labels and marketing claims too!  Animals... I just realized that I can never pass by an animal without acknowledging it's presence and speaking a few words to it, I suppose I would consider it rude not to do so, like ignoring a person after eye contact is made.  And finally... and this is a big one... oddities... if something is really different, it attracts me like a Moth to a flame.  Not that I've collected or bought many oddities, but I do have a very strong fascination with and for them.  Perhaps that is why the Addams Family House always mezmerized me, they lived amongst a host of fascinating oddities and how cool would it be to visit a real Home like that and explore it or get to know it's inhabitants and their stories!?!  And Elvira... gotta love her, she rocks the Macabre!

Yes, I'm learning quite a bit about myself as I continue this online Journaling Journey, things I didn't previously pay much attention to until I began to intentionally capture certain things that attracted me through the eyes of my lens to share and add to this ongoing Journal.  And I realize we're just as complex as our environments and if we live a lifetime with someone we'd discover new things about them every day... just as we're discovering new things about ourselves... if we'll just take the time to really pay attention... Dawn... The Bohemian 

*I'm linking up with Cindy of MY ROMANTIC HOME for Show And Tell Friday, Cindy is showing off some amazing Blues in her Home Mosaic... come join us and show off some of your lovelies...*

*I'm also linking up with Sherry of THE CHARM OF HOME for Home Sweet Home Friday*
