During times of stress and prolonged crisis the OCD kicks into overdrive... I start organizing, re-organizing, over organizing... and doing things that normally I'd avoid... like housework! *wink*  No secret here, I'm no domestic goddess, the Artist in me could really care less about the dutiful mundane aspects of Life, I'll do them, but under protest... normally.  So, after I've made the Family crazy with my sudden obsession to have a clean and organized Home *LOL* I decided I better switch the focus to something more creative... more typically ME... so that they didn't all think I'd definitely gone over the edge, with a duster and Pledge in hand, spiraling into the abyss of fanatical housekeeping! *Gasp*  That's the nice thing about having extensive collections, they can keep you preoccupied when it is necessary... and trust me, it was definitely necessary.  At this Season of Life just doing the single Parenting thing is enough to cause Menopausal meltdown, without the strings of recent crisis thrown in for good measure.  So, I broke out some of the Rosary collection and some of the Vintage Ticking Feather Pillow collection and decided they would make a good photo op match for some Blog Posts.  I have an affinity for Rosaries and Vintage Ticking over squishy plump Pillows... been collecting both for so long now that my collections have grown massive enough to start a Rosary and Vintage Ticking Pillow Museum! *Smiles*  Thankfully the majority of mine were picked up long before they became fashionably hot items to collect and decorate with again and so I paid a pittance for most. How many do you 'need'... well, obviously one was not enough and I passed the point of 'need' years ago! *LOL* And though I've resisted dragging Home every one I come across at a bargain now unless it's absolutely breathtakingly spectacular... the urge is still there and I've yet to find a Rosary/Ticking Pillow Rehab in my neighborhood so I could be doomed to a lifetime of being drawn to them?  But it was calming and enjoyable, playing with my collections and arranging them to be photographed, while Princess T danced and swirled her Gypsy Dance routines around me in yet another Party-Mode ensemble she'd donned in practice for Granpa's Homecoming.  This little Gal changes wardrobe more often than Heidi Klum in a Project Runway episode... and Shakira has nothin' on my G-baby's moves... she's got it goin' on I tell ya!  And so I've been thoroughly entertained this evening... while still waiting for the phone to ring with 'The Call' we're all waiting upon...  Dawn... The Bohemian 

PS: Yes, those of you with the discerning eyes, I know the old Aluminum Rosary with the Coral colored beads in the last photo set is missing three beads between the Centerpiece and Crucifix... but I have never let condition issues or actual monetary value diminish my attraction to a piece.  I have designed, made, repaired and re-purposed Rosaries for decades so each is precious to me as a work of Art and an object of Faith.  Yep, the Rosary with Green Glass Beads with tiny Roses in the Centers and Sterling St. Patrick Center and Crucifix is one of my creations.  And the Vintage Irish Horn and Bakelite Rosary above it is one of my favorite Styles since it is Celtic in origin and speaks to my Celtic roots on Mom's side of the Family.  This has been fun and restorative... so I may start Posting a "Rosary Sunday" and keep sharing parts of my collection on a regular basis.