I suppose one of the reasons I'm drawn to old things is that their attention to details was more pronounced.  Whether it was the intricacy of a piece, the architectural details or the colors... there were usually details even if they served no function other than to delight the eyes and be purely aesthetic.  It takes a lot more work to detail something you see... and in bygone eras the time was painstakingly taken to ensure that quality of craftsmanship that displays lovingly created detailing. It is not to say it doesn't still exist in some forms in modern times, but the costs are usually prohibitive and so... many forsake the details in lieu of being more cost effective and making something affordable or turning a wider profit margin.  Quantity versus quality... and so to me, those beautiful old pieces that still display the details that might cost a fortune to replicate today... are by far a great bargain now.  The skill set for such work is disappearing... and the cost of materials and labor are increasing... and so, finding beautiful old details made during a time when materials and labor were not as inflated can be a modern day Treasure Hunt.  The thrill of that hunt is what I live for... and I'm guessing I'm not so different from you... and that is why you're here!? *winks*  Because we are modern day Treasure Hunters looking for that lost, forgotten or buried Treasure... in the Attics, the Flea Markets, the Thrift Stores, Estate and Yard Sales across the Country... or those neglected and abandoned Treasures of Old and Historic Buildings...  just waiting to be discovered and claimed... Happy Hunting Mateys...  Dawn... The Bohemian 