Talented Artist AMY HANNA just recently did a delightful Post about Antique Mexican Door Knockers while on her recent trip to Mexico.  She has an Artist's eye and an affinity for timeless Treasures, which she makes into the most fantastic Jewelry you've ever laid eyes upon.  I saw a couple of the knockers that resembled the ones on this ole' Homestead and since we already know it was built entirely of Salvage at the turn of the Century, I wouldn't be surprised if our knockers came off some ancient Hacienda South of the Border!?  I love the details of our old House, it's what drew me in and captivated me even while it lay in ruin and had been condemned by the City.  Yes, I live in what was once a piece of condemned property, deemed unfit for habitation *LOL*... but my Gypsy Soul and Blackfoot-Apache Native American blood make it so that difficult living conditions, challenges and roughing it have never been a deterrent nor an obstacle. So our Family purchased the property and lived in a camper for several months very Didi Kai style like my free roaming nomadic Ancenstors, cooking outdoors and getting water from the Church next door, until we had this place up and running. *smiles*  Our neighbors in the Community must have initially thought us Gypsy Squatters *winks*, this strange band of folks willing to set up camp in the overgrown gardens of a condemned old House during the fierce heat of July in an Arizona Summer!  Yep, the temps were peaking at about 116 and we had no air conditioning, surely they thought us mad! *smiles*  But we're a rugged bunch and this is the land of my Ancestors, who lived upon it for centuries without any of the modern conveniences... and when they saw all the hard work going into the restoration process, everyone began to come on board, including the reluctant City we had fought against to save the property from being razed... and now a decade later it is a jewel amid the old Town of the City and it sowed a seed of restoration efforts around the Historic part of Town, which warms my Heart.  But now I find myself standing at the Door... at a crossroads of sorts...like I often do after most of a project has been completed and the vision has become a reality... wondering... what is next?  What grand adventure will Life now take me on???  So photographing a couple of my old House's Doors with the ornate knockers was rather appropriate and timely you see... and so was dear Amy's Post... as I beheld all the beautiful old Doors with their Artistic Knockers... it made me realize that there are many entry points and exit points as we travel through our lives.  Which ones will you walk through the threshhold and go on through?  Which will you choose not to open or just walk on by?  Which ones will  you knock upon and wait for entry to?  Which will you close behind you and never look back?  Or maybe glance over your shoulder at as you say Good-Bye, perhaps forever? Which Doors will you build... and which will you tear down?  I've contemplated these things as I stand here at the Door... and I don't have all the answers yet... and some of it may very well remain a mystery for a time... but that's okay... I like surprises... Dawn... The Bohemian  