Well, it's "Rosary Sunday" and as I promised I will share images of some of my Rosary collection and some of my Rosary creations with you.  The two Cloisonne' bead Rosaries are my creations as is the Black Shamrock Bead Rosary.  The others were Found Treasures to add to my Vintage and unusual Rosary collection.  I initially started out just collecting Rosaries because I have always been drawn to Spiritual pieces and the Rosary in particular.  No, I am not a Catholic, but the symbolism of these beautiful items of Faith have always drawn me and Catholic Religious Art, Antiquities and Artifacts are some of the most lovely I have ever seen so I've been collecting them for years. I began repairing and then designing and making Rosaries at the request of my Catholic Friends since finding quality affordable Rosaries was becoming challenging for them.  Mass produced Modern Rosaries just did not have the same workmanship and quality of materials as the Vintage Rosary... and those that were still well made had entered the stratosphere of  pricing, making it out of reach for many of the Faithful. The majority of my creations have been Blessed and therefore not Sold, but given as Gifts... it always brings me Joy to give the Gift of a Rosary to someone who cherishes them.  This branch of my Art was never meant for monetary gain, but meant as the Spirit led, to put a quality Rosary into the hands of the Faithful. I am thankful to my Dad and his side of the Family for teaching me and exposing me to Native American beadwork and Bead Art because it paved the way to be able to create Rosaries that I could be proud of and would bring Joy to the recipients who received them.  Alas, due to the rise in popularity of beading, Altered Art and Rosaries in particular, the cost of supplies has now made it prohibitive to continue making them and many of my dear Rosary supply Sources have long since retired and closed up Shop so I rarely make them anymore.  But I certainly enjoyed the years that I spent creating some for myself, my Friends and my Family... and I Hope you will enjoy the images I will share each Sunday of the Rosaries I still own... God's Love and Peace be with you... Dawn... The Bohemian