Have you ever been in that frame of mind where you're thinking upon something specific and so the subtle nuances of it seem to show up everywhere... in even the most unlikely of places?  Lately my mind has been wandering towards the Tropical... a Tropical Island Paradise specifically... a beautiful escape from all the pressures and stresses of Life... if only for a brief moment in time.  And so, I'm finding those subtle hidden nuances in the most unlikely of places that reinforce the Tropical vibe even though they may not have anything to do with an Island Paradise!  Seeing a Shell or a Palm Tree might be a 'given' when it comes to thinking Beach... Island... Tropical.  But the backs of my Vanity Mirrors... is suddenly bringing to mind the inside of a Pearly Seashell or the color of the Sand on a fabulous Beach!  Some of the textures of Wood are so exotic that I'm thinking upon exotic destinations! The textures of some of my worn Terra Cotta Pots outside and the greenery... yep... somehow they're morphing into images of Bora Bora!!!????????? My little Vintage Bottle of Surgical Spirits #1... which apparently had a multitude of uses *LOL*, but I'm gravitating towards the "General Massage Purposes" *winks*, yeah, I could sure use one of them right about now!!!   As I'm drinking Tea at Princess T's Mad Hatter Tea Parties I'm dreaming of those exotic destinations the exotic sounding names of the Teas must come from!?! *Smiles* And of coarse Vintage Tablecloths... forget about it... full of imagery and colors that are sending my imagination on a South Seas adventure!!!  Tall festive glasses... with the imagery of a little umbrella... well, I've got thoughts of Cabana Boys serving lucious Tropical drinks with little umbrellas tucked inside as I languish on a White Sands Beach and watch endless Azure Blue Ocean before me stretching out into the Horizon!!! *winks*   Yeah, I know, I must be long overdue for a Vacation to somewhere dreamy... two tickets to Paradise please... Dawn... The Bohemian
