I don't know about you but I've really been in need of creating that Zen Moment lately.  Life can come at you fast and furious... and sometimes I just need to slow it down to a more relaxed and Spiritual pace so that I can feel a Peace about my day.  I don't function well in chaos or drama... I'm a very laid back Bohemian Spirit that enjoys orderly peaceful days to delight in.  There are some that would contend that it could become boring to have order and Peace and a stillness to life, but I've never been easily bored... in fact I can't remember the last time I felt or was bored even in the quiet moments of Life.  I actually revel in a Zen Moment and would be perfectly content with more of them, things come sharply into focus in my mind and my Spirit when activity and noise are stilled for a time... even a lengthy time.  I enjoy the relaxed natural pace that Nature often provides and teaches us in the rhythm of Life... where things happen as they should and time almost stands still because it isn't relevant.  Senses are heightened... hearing, smell, sight, touch, taste... and those inner senses that quite often get drowned out and suppressed are allowed to come forth.  I enjoy communing with Nature, it has taught me more lessons than I ever learned from a formal education.

What creates that Zen Moment best for you my Friends?  Do you intentionally take the time to create it as often as you need to?  I confess that sometimes I get so caught up in the hectic, frenzied pace of Life coming at me that I fail to step out of it for those moments I should... as often as I should and need to.  Even though I know I risk the crash and burn of living Life too fast, too reactively, dealing with more than is realistic at once or allowing the issues of others to infect and affect my calm.  And it is at those particular times that I'm reminded that... as Ghandi said, there is more to life than simply increasing it's speed.  And I slow down, purposefully... and step out of the rat race and into those Zen Moments that can so easily be created and savored... to restore and balance the body, mind and Spirit and come back to Center... which is where I should be... and it feels right again.  I do Hope our time spent here together has provided you with a Zen Moment in your day, I know it has for me... Dawn... The Bohemian

*Last two images are cropped favorite Bing images.* 

As a young child you can lie on the sand as the waves wash around you, and not even think of the trouble you will have later getting the sand out of your hair. - Quote from "Zen Meditations On Being A Mother"

*I am linking up with Rebecca of A RE-PURPOSED LIFE for STUDIO SUNDAY, where you may share your Gifts, your Art, your Studio with the Community in a new Blog Party... please come join us... today I have shared my exploration of the new Art Form of Photography and the creation of more Zen Moments through this Art, where the great Outdoors can be my Studio.* 