Hey artists and crafters, Youtique:Spring Into Handmade is calling for you! So get those apps in because this is going to be a great show in downtown Royal Oak!

Call for Vendors
Youtique-Spring Into Handmade has been scheduled for April 16th, 2011.

The Call for Vendors is currently open!

Important Dates
- Vendor applications will be accepted until March 19th
- Vendors will be notified of acceptance on or before March 25th
- Booth fee is due via check or online payment on April 1st

Event Information
- The Booth Fee is $30.00 for Michigan Artisans Members and $40.00 for Non-members, this fee covers the use of the space, appetizers, printing materials and the production of the show.
- All vendors will be juried before the event
- Only handmade items will be accepted. This includes any artwork, photography, and products made by the artist. We ask that nothing mass produced is submitted for the show- we will not accept vendors with items that are purchased in bulk and not created by the vendor.
- Vendors will be assigned a booth space for the show after acceptance. Booth spaces are a set square foot number, and the Vendor will be required to bring their own table covers and display, tables may be provided by the venue.. All items must stay within your booth space. When you apply, items such as power, lighting etc will be discussed- please address these when you apply. Once a booth space is assigned, it will not be changed.
- Late entries will not be accepted. This is out of fairness for all vendors.
- Youtique Vendors are asked to treat all other vendors and volunteers with respect.

Youtique is a great event for networking and suppose to be fun for everyone involved. We are looking for quality vendors to make this next event the best it can be for everyone!