This creation I made this weekend. I had it in my head the day I got these decals from one of my nail friends (thank you Syl). I did not really found this creation beautiful but I found it funny :) and it reminded my of wallpaper from a children's room. (that is what my mom and I said) I did found it very happy :)

I was in a supermarket in Germany and an older lady was handing out chocolates for the customers and I grabbed one and she noticed my nails. And wanted to see them and she was talking too fast so I couldn't understand everything but she really liked them. All I could say was Danke Danke Danke with my blushing head ;)

It could also be something for Easter with the clouds (look like dots from a distance).

Base P2 530 Charming, beautiful blue polish that reminds me a bit of Orly Snowcone, stamped with Konad SN white and imageplate M77. Water decals of some great colorfull butterflies, I got them from a friend (not self made). Photo with flash.

Photo with flash under artificial light of my right hand.

Photo without flash under artificial light.

Photo of just the base with the clouds.

Here some swatches of P2 530 Charming.

With flash.

Without flash under artificial light.

With flash of my other hand.

My Dutch readers: don't forget to enter Nagelzone's giveaway!