The Thrill Of The Hunt must be in our Blood... we live for it... whatever we're hunting for brings such a thrill... whether its Junquing, Antiquercizing or the Big Egg Hunt at Easter...

So this Gramma was up at 5:00 am to beat the heat and hide all the plastic candy filled eggs on our acreage before the wee ones arose and prior to Church Services...

There were many, many Eggs so I was at it for far longer than it took them to find them all! *whew*  Though this year I kept it simple, since previous years we got a little carried away at the Hiding and were discovering lost Eggs years after they were hidden... *LOL*

Some of our Found Treasures made great Egg Hiding Vignettes... such as this stash of old Bottles discovered in the Desert and waiting for an Art Project... 

Glamming it up... 'cause that's how we roll...

The Dynamic Duo were very hard at work...

Yours Truly taking a well deserved rest after the workout of Egg Hiding and while the Hunt was going on... I wasn't totally out of the action, I got up every so often to capture the action through the eye of the lens... just watching them scurry around at warp speed is enough to make me tired at this Season of Life *winks*...

Hey... this Haul is getting heavy...

REALLY heavy... *smiles*

Gramma's Porch Tomatoes...

And the Garden is still in full Spring Bloom so it was a glorious backdrop for the Big Hunt and the weather was perfect...

And there were the Easter Baskets...

And then off for the Family Easter Breakfast before Church at The Wildflower Bread Company...
Because more of those fresh and delightful Hot Cross Buns were calling to us...

And Banana Walnut Pancakes...

and Chipotle Egg Sandwich... and Rosemary Cottage Style Hashbrowns... and Honey Ham, Apple & Brie Fritatta... and Passion Fruit Iced Tea. Ah...... the beauty of eating out for Easter Breakfast is everyone gets exactly what they want and no extra work or clean up for Gramma... FANTASTIC!  It seems that hundreds of other peeps had the same Plan because the Restaurant was filled to capacity! *Winks*

Waiting anxiously for the Feast to come...

The Son even made it to Breakfast and Church with us even though he had just gotten off his 2nd Job only a few hours beforehand and heading towards the Land Of Exhaustion... you know THAT place... I'm sure we've ALL been THERE at one time or another...

Waiting for the 1st Service to begin... the wee ones asked to attend TWO back to back Services because they enjoy their Children's Church so much...

And then... once we got Home they asked to attend Service next door at The Salvation Army Church too!!!  They always have a big time over there and attend various Programs throughout the week... today they came Home with beautifully designed Easter bags they had made themselves, filled with delightful Treats..

The Blue around the mouth is a clue that Princess T had already sampled some of hers... *Smiles*

I'd say Artistic expression is definitely in our Blood too... we live to create something of Beauty...

And what more can a Gramma ask for at Easter... than having the G-Kids voluntarily opt to spend the bulk of Easter Day attending Church and giving Honor to our Lord... and loving every minute of it... which is just as it should be on this most Holy of days...

Happy Easter my Friends... I Pray yours was as special as ours... Dawn... The Bohemian 
