My G-Son had been Home sick since Tuesday Morning and so both of us had felt quite 'trapped' having to stay inside so much... and trapped is exactly the word Prince R used about our situation and how it felt to him... and I would have to agree, because I mirrored that sentiment... we were both climbing the walls!  We're not an 'inside' breed of people you see, that Gypsy Spirit in us yearns to spend lots of time outdoors... and traveling.  Princess T had bailed on us days before with her Aunties, they had Plans... and she wasn't about to let a sick Bro' anchor HER inside for days on end! *winks*  I can't blame her... we were itching to escape as well... as soon as he recovered!

Today was THE day... after days on antibiotics and getting Doctor clearance... we were off... like Blue Ass Flies! *winks*  Ah, it felt so good... so good in fact that the G-Son was up at the crack of dawn... and rolling this Dawn outta bed with the prompting that we needed an early start, while it was still the cool of the Morning, to take a Stroll... lets so Antiquercizing Gramma!!!  Well, if he was game... you didn't have to twist my arm or ask me twice... hey, don't threaten me with a good time! *LOL*  So we hit Olde Towne Glendale... early... before the Shops were even open... and strolled around the quaint Historic neighborhoods taking in the sights and smells.   Ah it felt good to be back out in the fresh open air and free as birds again!  Miss Cee Cee's always has the most beautiful Roses... and Mr. Cee Cee was out tending to the fabulous Gardens he so meticulously grooms... isn't it a sight to behold?!?  He swears it's just the Miracle Grow... but I use that too and my Roses and Gardens never looked so breathtaking and enchanting... so I tend to believe it's more his TLC, Green Thumbs and Magic Touch with their magnificent Gardens... you've got The Touch Mr. Cee Cee!!!  

We weren't just out for a Stroll... I was mixing business with pleasure... and had some clients to discuss Bohemian Bag creations with... and line up visions... which is always such fun...

And then the really fun part, the Antiquercizing... gotta admit... when I'm not creating the next best thing is Shopping and seeking out Found Treasures...

Though I have recently been lusting over wonderful old Luggage for Studio Storage... and old Letters and Vintage Books for Art Projects... they weren't the catalyst for today's Mission... so these will wait for perhaps another day of grand adventure... no, though lovely these weren't the Mission for today...

This was... Vintage Needlepoint for Bohemian Bag creations... Loved the Turquoise backgrounds...

And this was... unusual Vintage Crocheted creations and old Lace for a different Style of Bohemian Bag creations...  I was thrilled to discover this unusual Crocheted Butterfly... and scooped him up immediately... he is going to look magnificent on an old Burlap Feedsack and Vintage Velvet creation don't you think?

And this was... my Friend Shelly over at RUST & ROSES has the most varied styles of Grainsack & Lace Pillows and French embroidered Feedsack Pillows... I haven't had the time yet to create some for myself, though I have all the supplies... so for now I'll be content to procure a couple of creations of other Artists whose work I loved and Shelly was offering at great prices... 

I loved the coupling of organic fabric with the delicate Crocheted Lace... so one came Home with me...

And these French embroidered Feedsack Pillows, in a variety of French Country colors are exactly what I was looking for... I was gravitating towards the Red & White today since I already have the Blue & White at Home...

And this was the #1 reason I had headed out to RUST & ROSES because I've been looking at old crusty Typewriters, the older the better, function not necessary, so price & the right look was what I was after ... for display purposes in my Studio... and my Friend Pauline had the one I had decided was just right for my vision... and of coarse she also had the best price... Pauline has built-in "Good Stuff" radar so her booth always has amazing Found Treasures to pick through...

So here's the Saturday Scores in greater detail...
My Red & White French embroidered Feedsack Pillow...

And my Grainsack & Crocheted Lace Pillow... *Notice the G-Son's 3-D Glasses on the bed... which I didn't even notice 'til after I loaded the pix on here! Smiles*

And our old Cat, Rat Boy, who always zeros in on the new "Good Stuff" and will plonk herself down beside it for hours... savoring it... can you only tell I've rubbed off on her after over two decades of living with Human Mummy? *LOL*  Perhaps she's not the only Feline companion that appreciates good Junquing Scores?

Well it does look rather comfy & inviting doesn't it??? *Smiles*

But you're apt to get this scornful Rat Boy dagger-look directed at you if you even think about disturbing her Zen Moment and make her share!!! *winks*

Ah how I love when Mummy brings Home new Treasures for me to preside over and luxuriate in ... 

Okay... so since we don't yet have the Son moved out of my Studio... I've put the Typewriter vignette in the Hallway for now... *le sigh... but he's still TALKING ABOUT moving out again and letting Mom reclaim her Studio ... Smiles*  He and She even came over to get my Blessings for their plans to be room-mates again... yes Blessed... heck, I'll even help him pack... *winks*

I'm wrestling with whether to clean it up a bit or just leave it "As Is"??? 

I'm actually liking the dilapidated elegance of the crusty, rusty Patina though *I would - winks* ... so for now it shall stay "As Is" and I'll not make a firm decision just yet ... and I'm not done with the vignette either... it just looks too barren to me... I'm definitely not a "less is more" type of Gal! No minimalist here!!! *winks* 

And I got some delightful Findings from RUST & ROSES as well to make Jewelry creations out of... a wee golden Prayerbook with Bling... Filigree Finding and a perfect Mermaid Finding to match the Mermaid Cuff that my Artist Friend Heidi made and I bought at her Grand Opening of the PARIS MONTANA Shop in Scottsdale this Month!  I'm going to couple the Filigree Finding with the Mermaid Finding, put it on a strand of Antique Pearls and then dangle the little Pearl bob that Shelly gave to Grandson Prince R today at the Shop... his contribution to my Artistic vision for the piece. *winks, he's such a creative and Artistic young Man* 

And yes, for two bucks Prince R spied a Precious Moments Bunny at an Antique Shop to add to our Precious Moments Collection... just in time for Easter...  And yep, I also came Home with my fav of the Turquoise Vintage Needlepoints that we discovered at an Antique Shop at a great price... it will make a lovely focal point to design a Bohemian Bag around and is in some of my fav color palette combinations...

And here's the Crocheted Lace Butterfly taking flight on our Mantle...

And our new Bunny taking his place on the Mantle's Easter vignette... next to another Special Butterfly, which is a beautiful surprise gift from my Blog Friend Andie. 

Yes... it was so good to finally escape into the bright Sunshine and have a day out together again... doing all the things we Love... with who we Love...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... may your weekend be full of fun, found treasures & fabulousness too...
 Dawn... The Bohemian