Yes, it's time again for the Big Spring Clean...

The more time I spend Outside this time of year... in my fav Seasonally decorated Shops such as COTTAGE GARDENS... and online visiting Blogs where the freshness of Spring abounds... the stronger the urge becomes to Spring Clean this ole' House...

The thought of Spring brings to mind renewal, freshness, and new beginnings...

And I want my Home to reflect that at this time of year...

To look as bright, cheerful, inviting and uncluttered as Carol's Fronch Porch does at the COTTAGE GARDENS Shops... isn't it lovely and would'nt it be welcoming on a magnificent Spring Day to have such a place to sit and relax?

The colors of Spring speak to me this time of year... Crisp fresh Whites and delicate Pastels... I want to break out my collection of Lace and old Linen...

Vintage Patio Furniture catches my eye moreso than usual...

My Heart feels light and I feel renewed energy to get things clean, decluttered and in order...

Which for me is a very tall order and a daunting task... because...

#1:  I'm not a very diligent housekeeper... embarrassing but true... so it's a big job to get it as clean, uncluttered and made-over as it needs to be and I'd envision it to be...

#2:  I sway between enjoying my delightful clutter... and wanting to minimalize and severely edit and declutter... so I'm very conflicted about how much and what to clean out?!?  And I don't have one of those Therapists and teams of Professional Organizers and Helpers from Hoarders to assist me in this agonizing decision making process and mountain of work I'm about to embark upon... *winks*

#3: Once I'm on a roll I want to go through every nook and cranny, every crack and crevice... inside and out... and have a total new look so that the fruits of my labor are most evident and encouraging. And I know the longer I keep at it the easier it becomes and the more I'm able to 'let go' and only keep what I absolutely Love and can utilize...

#4: So this will also mean organizing more than a few Yard Sales, Sell-Offs to Shops that look for a specific Style of Decor and donations to Charities.  Hence... a lot more work and organization to add to the agenda...

#5: Once I net some proceeds from the Sale of items I'm letting go of I know I'll very likely purchase some Paint and invest in a few Vintage Bohemian Carpets for the Re-do... so now add painting some walls and furniture to the list of tasks... can you start to tell I'm OCD about any Project I start?!?

#6: And THEN... I start getting my grandoise visions of how I want particular rooms to look since I'm knee deep in make-over mode anyway! *le sigh*  So now I'm eyeballing a few incomplete restoration Projects in this Ole' House... like a section of exposed drywall on one entire wall here in the Home Office... and I'm envisioning installing my stash of Victorian Ceiling Tin and Bohemian Tapestry Fabric stash on that wall to finish it in Bedouin Style Luxuriousness!   And if that turns out like I Hope then the opposite wall might just get the same treatment!!! 

As you can see... this Spring Cleaning Fiasco is now probably going to spill into Summer and when The Man comes back in the Fall he's going to think he came Home to the wrong House?!? *winks*

But I've been both convicted and inspired by the results I see all around me of those of you who already got a jump on Spring Cleaning, organizing, redecorating and sprucing up your Shops and Homes...

And now the pitiful way mine looks just will not do... it needs a major overhaul and a good thorough deep clean, decluttering and edit of Found Treasures that need to move on to a new Home now...

And though I SHOULD probably be feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all due to the sheer magnitude... okay, that's an understatement, perhaps I should be scared, very scared *winks*... in fact I'm feeling quite excited and enthusiastic about it now that I've decided to begin!!!  And though I haven't a clue how long it will take or what the end result will actually look like yet... it's a new beginning of sorts... a change... a fresh start... and that's always a good thing... at any Season... Dawn... The Bohemian

*Most of the beautiful photos shared today were taken at Carol Migray's delightful Shops in Glendale, Arizona... the COTTAGE GARDENS (I and II) and include some of Artist Laura Van's new Frames and Hearts that Carol just stocked up on for Spring... I "Heart" Laura Van's work, I want it ALL!!! LOL*