I must confess, I'm not very good with "Down Time" at first, I strongly resist being still.  I'm usually always in motion and quite hyper, on the go and with far too many things to do. And when I'm forced to be still and stay put due to circumstances beyond my control... such as infirmity or the car breaking down... I not too happy at first... in fact I can be downright miserable adapting to a slower pace than I usually choose.

But I have found that we do need that "Down Time"... time to be still and just "Be"... time to be reflective, calmer, more relaxed and meditative.  I do come to a place, after the initial resistance, of actually enjoying "Down Time" and savoring it for the Blessing that it can be when you embrace it.

I will usually have more time to sit, relax, work on Projects that got sidelined, light some candles, turn on some soothing Music and curl up in a comfortable chair to sew or read and enjoy some indulgences. *winks* To spend time in the Home that The Man and I have worked so hard all our lives to create for ourselves and our Family.

I've certainly worked many years and sacrificed much to feather our nest and it does seem rather foolish not to spend quality time there too just savoring it all.  My Gypsy Spirit usually has me outdoors and roaming and traveling far more than being indoors, so it is somewhat of a challenge to me, regardless of how lovely our Home is, to just spend time there.  But when I do, it really is enriching and causes me to be at Peace and count our many Blessings.

Perhaps one of the reasons why I've always been drawn to Spiritual Statuaries... and the Madonna And Child particularly, is the Serenity, Peace and Calm they represent.  I desire to have that Serenity, Peace and Calmness in approaching Life and spending time with Family... and sometimes I do... and other times not so much... and so these "forced" periods of "Down Time" are a Blessing in disguise really... where I can slow down, get back to Center... and perfect those particular Fruits of the Spirit in my Life.

I wish you Serenity, Peace and a sense of Calm too my Friends as you journey through Life... 

Don't forget to join us for the Blog Party and amazing Give-Away over at FAITH, GRACE & CRAFTS for Doni's Pearls And Lace Thursday... my entry was my Pearl Rosary on one of my Madonna & Child Figurines... it is a special Rosary because it was a Gift from my Mom... she used to seek out the most unusual Rosaries she could find for my Collection, which is one of my oldest Collections... and she always came up with such great Rosaries that Wowed me!

I also wish for you to head on over to my Friend Tricia's Blog CONVERSATIONS WITH THE MUSES to enter her amazing Give-away celebrating her new Blog Space and one year Blogaversary!  She was recently featured in an International Version of Elle Magazine and her ethereal creations and event designs will have you positively swooning and being transported to another realm... one you will most certainly enjoy on the canvas of your imaginations!  Here's a peek at some of what she's offering to the lucky Winner:

All beautiful Mosaic Images cribbed from Tricia's Blog CONVERSATIONS WITH THE MUSES

Dawn... The Bohemian