When our Family lived in France there was a strong Algerian presence and many of the Exotic Treasures my Parents feathered their Nest with were purchased from the Algerians that came door to door selling their wares.  Exotic Handsome Men in Traditional attire wearing long curved knives on their hips, they looked straight out of an Arabian Nights scene and I was mezmerized as a Child by their Fashions and the captivating Exotic items they had for sale... especially the Rugs, Exotic Fabrics & Tapestries they were known for.  Because my Mom was Lovely, Dark and Exotic looking herself, these Algerian Men were taken by her Beauty, Bohemian Style and Welsh accent and they were constantly asking her to come with them to the Casbah! *Winks*  No matter that us Children were hanging around her long flowing skirts or that she was a Married Woman, these Guys weren't phased... they were persistent & tenacious! *Smiles*  So quite often when Dad was at work & they'd knock on the door, we'd hide, often under the bed, peeking out, and pretending we weren't Home. *LOL*  We nor Mom wanted her to be whisked away to the Casbah! *Smiles*

So, it was with great delight that at the SWEET SALVAGE French Market Event there were also many Exotic wares Sourced to give that Algerian Flair that was reminiscent of our years in France.  And I don't have to tell you how enamored I am with Exotic Influences in Fashion and Decor! *LOL*  Some of the items I 'scored' at the Event were more of the Exotic imports we would find at the French Flea Markets and my Parents and I would haggle for.  Yes, even as a Child I was a haggler *winks* and back then I spoke several languages so I could haggle in someone's Native Tongue, which they thought was charming from this small American Child.  But when you don't use it you lose it... and alas, now English is the only language I'm still fluent in... such a shame... I would still Love to be able to speak the languages I spoke fluently as a Child as my Family traveled the World and we were exposed to all of the various wonderful Cultures and Traditions in our Travels abroad. 

Tomorrow we'll continue on the Journey through SWEET SALVAGE French Market Event since I took a wealth of Photos to share with you on both visits.  Yes, I went back for seconds *Smiles*, this time Princess T was my sidekick & she was loving it.  She knew her big Brother had accompanied me on opening day & you know I didn't need much of an excuse to go back again! *Winks*  Miss Jackie Gifted Princess T with a Lovely Seashell too and she was thrilled to death & took great care picking it out.  She was recovering from a Sports related injury, yes, the delicate looking Little Princess, aged 6, had tried to play Football with the big Teen Boys at the Salvation Army Program... she's got a lot of Heart... and now a big painful lump on her forehead! *Le Sigh*  But lets face it, anytime us Gals are dealing with pain, Shopping & Eye Candy galore can make us forget all about it! *Smiles*  The moment Princess T walked into the Shop, and started foraging for her perfect Seashell, she forgot all about the big lump on her head! *LOL*

 Each day new items are coming in and amazing new Vignettes being created, so you could go back each of the four days and experience something brand new.  So... if you still haven't made it there yet my Friends... you still have time... but today is the last day so hurry!  Though I will be overloading your senses with French Market Eye Candy for a few more Posts to come!
 Dawn... The Bohemian 