It is not often I get to share Photos of my Bohemian Princess Grand-Daughters who live in Mexico and Back East... so I'm always delighted when my Sons-In-Law & Daughters are able to send me any Images of my other Beautiful Bohemian Princesses! 

Above is the Princess R... obviously as much a Fashion Diva as her older Sister Princess T & Gramma Dawn! *Winks* Her Paternal Abuelita {Gramma} Maria is an amazingly Creative & Talented Seamstress & makes all of the Girl's Clothing... isn't this Colorful ensemble gorgeous & of coarse it has the perfect Model!!!  *No brag, just fact! Winks*  And naturally the Girls also love the Bling... hummm... wonder where they got that from??? *Winks*

And here's the Trio of Sisters... The Princess M on the left, Princess R cuddling the youngest of our Grand-Daughters Princess N.  My Heart swells... and I cry every time I receive a new set of Photos of any of our Precious Grandchildren who live so far away...

My Son-In-Law created some fun Photos of our youngest Grandchild, the Princess N, that made me Smile...

And even though this was last Season's Greeting... it MADE this Season for this Gramma...

And even at School the Princess R is a Fashion Diva... the Tam & White Gloves, I'm Loving it!

And the profile Photo of Princess M is like a flashback of our youngest Daughter... taking me back almost 30 years.

Princess R also looking very much like Mommy used to...

And now we go from Mexico and Fiesta Style to the East Coast and Beach Style where the other Trio of Beautiful Bohemian Grand-Daughters live...

And here are the other Trio of Sisters... The Princess N on the left, Princess Ma in the middle and Princess K on the right...

Okay, Gramma is officially jealous of all you Gals Stylin' it at the Beach *pout*... I "Heart" the Beach!!!

Princess K sporting her Belly Button Bling... is it wrong that Gramma wants Belly Button Bling at this Season of Life I wonder? *Winks*  Well, maybe if Zumba works out as planned to get Gramma her Girlish Figure back?!?... *LOL*

Princess N... wearing a great Animal Print that Gramma really likes too... Am I the only one that thought Raquel Welch's killer Animal Fur Bathing Suit in the 60's {One Million Years B.C.} was the greatest ever!?! *Winks*  Been captivated by any Animal Print Bathingsuits ever since! *LOL*

Princess Ma on the Dunes... Sigh... I miss frolicking on the Dunes Beachside...

And how Fun is this... frolicking with the Dolphins!!!  Cute G-Kids + Cute Sealife = Perfect Photo Op

And Princess Ma is an avid Sports Enthusiast... 

As a Spectator... enjoying all the fringe benefits of being in the Bleachers *Winks*...

And as a Participant too in Cheerleading, Soccer, Softball... you name it, all of these Princesses are very Athletic...

And of coarse Mommy {our oldest Daughter} sometimes gets in on the action and strikes a pose for us... which is always a Treat too... I so miss all of the Family that live so far away that we can't hug and spend time with them all... and experience the Joy of watching them grow & blossom each day...

Thank you my Friends for allowing this Gramma to indulge in her Pride Post of more of My Beautiful Bohemian Princesses.  Us Grammas are like that... like a Proud Parent x 1,000! *Smiles*

Dawn... The Bohemian 
