Being the Supreme Junquing Enthusiasts that we are, each year I make it our Mission to put together our Halloween Costumes from Junquing Forrays at the Thrifts, Tag Sales or Flea Markets.  And each year it works out quite well... and though you never quite know what you'll end up Creating for your Costumes, the Challenge and Mystery of it is a part of the Fun and Adventure in Halloween Costume Junquing.

Our criteria is to attempt to Create a OOAK Costume so we try to avoid buying the secondhand actual Halloween Mass Produced Costumes if at all possible.  And we've been fortunate to occassionally discover actual Ethnic Traditional Fashions that aren't Costumes at all and are very well made out of lucious Exotic Fabrics.  The Dance Attire is always Princess T's favorite and it does double duty after Halloween for her to practice her Dancing around the house in.  Several Costumes over the years have also done double duty as Pajamas & Play Clothes for Dress Up Adventures, so they were a double bargain!  

This year we put together a Good Witch Costume for Princess T and she was Rockin' it!  She Loved her Costume and after Halloween, sans Fancy Witch Hat, it will make a suitable addition to her regular Wardrobe... cha-ching! *Winks*  In fact, she Loved it so much she didn't want to take it off... and I thought perhaps she'd wear it to bed and continuously through Monday Night!?! *LOL*

And for Prince R we discovered an actual Martial Arts Uniform, a wee bit large, but will serve him well as Pajamas after Halloween.  As you can plainly see, the Prince wasn't exactly "feeling it" for the Photo Shoot today... he's in that Pre-Teen Angst Season of Life. *LOL*  You know the Phase, where the Pre-Teen emotional rollercoaster rivals Menopausal Mood Swings!  *Smiles* And 'Attitude' is written all over their face! *Groan*  So there was a total lack of enthusiasm from the Asian Sun Corner. *Winks*  And what little bit of participation we could coax out of him looks rather Robotic and Forced than Fluid or Zen. *Smiles*  And I must say that the Pre-Teen Dagger Look when they are being totally uncooperative and unlovely is far more menacing than a confrontation with a Mixed Martial Arts Expert IMO! *LOL*

Ah well, tomorrow is their Halloween Party so perhaps he'll be on the upswing and in the Mood by then?  And if not, well, at least the Beast Princess has transformed into the Smiling Good Witch... *Winks*

Happy Halloween Junquing my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian