I'm so stuck in a time warp of the 60's, I truly am, and so because I'm so defined by that era more than any other, it was with utter delight that I discovered these Hippie Buttons in the costume section at 'Wal-Mart'.  For a mere five bucks I was instantly transported back in time and feeling that beloved 60's vibe. I remember buttons like these... I probably have some vintage ones stashed away in the archives of Treasures I've amassed... but for now these will definitely suffice for a nostalgic flashback. *wink*  Yes, I'm the one that still wears a lot of tie-dye, vintage, organic and tea stained fabrics... so I'll have no qualms about sporting these funky throwbacks to a more psychadelic time. For me the 60's vibe isn't 'costume', it's daily wear. *smiles*  I love everything about the reckless abandon of the Art and style of that era, it had no boundaries and creative expression was more varied, uninhibited and raw.  As a person naturally drawn to the avant-garde it appeals to me when something is unique, creative and uninhibited.  I was the type of child who almost always colored outside of the lines and thought outside of the box and time hasn't tempered that form of personal expression. I'm okay with being different and thinking differently regardless of the labels that are often used to describe such eccentricities of personality and style.  I like what I like and I make no apologies for it.  I've often been presented with a gift that was totally ME and the reason it was chosen was because it was so different... weird... odd... Bohemian... exotic... over-the-top... or eclectic, that they just knew I'd love it... and I did. *smiles*  I bought two packages of these Hippie Buttons and every time I look at one... I can't help but smile... some nostalgia and Art is just plain 'Happy' and who doesn't like that particular emotion... Dawn... The Bohemian