I can get totally lost in my Art, my Studio and Home reminds me of a saying I saw that said, "I live in my own little World.  But it's okay.  Everyone knows me here." I have intentionally created spaces to live and work that feed my Soul as I go through this Journey of Life and are comforting to me... one of my Beautiful Escapes.  In my Studio I can spend endless hours creating or merely going through the Antique Steamer Trunks, built-in cabinets, Vintage Suitcases, Cigar Boxes and pretty old Tins filled with the beautiful lush Vintage Fabrics, delicate Lace, sumptuous Trims, Salvaged Needlepoint, old Tapestries, Antique Bohemian Bling, Beads, or bits and bobs that will become one of my creations when the inspiration for it manifests.  Piles of eye-candy surround me, layer upon layer of beauty to delight the eye and stir the senses... favorite fragrant aromas permeate the atmosphere and either beautiful Music or the stillness of Silence engulf me in these private Sanctuaries I've formed.

One of my other favorite Beautiful Escapes exists in the magnificence of Nature that the Great Creator Himself formed for us to enjoy.  I feel a particular connection to the Natural World and all that is in it... whether it be the scenery, the smells, the sounds, the Wildlife, the Plants, Trees, Flowers and numerous other living things abounding.   Whether it's the seasonal migration of Monarch Butterflies, a Pond, hiking Trail or a Field of Wildflowers I never cease to be inspired, at Peace and calmed by the Natural World.  Whether something truly magnificent or beautiful in it's simplicity it all appeals to me and fuels creative energy that I Hope is reflected in my work.

A third Beautiful Escape is in my Passions, those things that I Love and seek out daily and go to in person or my imagination.  It could be the search for a Found Treasure. Viewing Art and Fashion created by other Artists and creative Souls or listening to Music created by gifted Musicians.  Curling up to read a good Book, Magazine or view a favorite Movie or Show. Savoring a tasty meal lovingly created by a Chef or even a Friend who loves to spend time in the Kitchen. Quality time spent with Loved ones doing something enjoyable, special or frivolously fun. Or just a deep appreciation for what visually delights me and I don't even seek to possess but just want to behold.  

Yes, there are many Beautiful Escapes and I feel that it is restorative to retreat to one, or some, each day for a time.   What Beautiful Escape is calling out to YOU my Friend?   Now that I've taken you to some of mine, take me there to some of yours and lets enjoy them together...  Dawn... The Bohemian.