I never kept a Diary as a youngster and my only previous attempt at keeping a Journal was after my Father passed from time into eternity in an attempt to move through the grief process smoother at the advice of the Hospice Chaplain.  I didn't like the morose ramblings of that Journal and I soon discarded the process and the Journal, moving through the grief process in a different way altogether that had a positive vibe I could better relate to and embrace.

Many years have since passed and I was introduced to the Land Of Blog quite recently, I began exploring this medium more out of curiosity than interest at first.  But I must say that I felt an instant connection when I began to find those Posts that were kindred Spirits... WOW... there WERE others like me out there in the World... MANY of you in fact!!!   So I spent several months just lurking and enjoying the visuals and stories... which led to finding the great Magazines devoted to this Community... then I got bolder and decided not to be so anonymous and a mere Spectator so I left a few comments. But in due time I began to WANT to participate on a deeper level, to be an actual Participant and have a Blog of my own.  I didn't know what I was going to write about or photograph at first because certainly I didn't expect an Audience or following and I didn't really have a particular Message, Business Venture, Interest or Cause that I had a burning Passion to impart or present to the World... it was rather a Journey in Self-exploration...  just for me. I had NO idea how much or how quickly Journaling Life in this way would CHANGE me!!! My Nine-year-old Grandson had been prompting me to jump in and with his profound insight and beyond-his-years talents he helped me set up my site... and it was good.  It felt like a "Genesis Moment" and each day I look forward to time spent here.

But it was more than just pictures and words on a Page... it began changing me... the way I viewed the World around me and what I began to notice and pay attention to and want to preserve in the form of a story or a visual captured in time by photographing it.  Certain thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head now had a form of Artistic expression where I could release them.  My Art and my Collections are an extension of myself, like wearing the Soul on your sleeve... mostly because it is so personal I have kept it personal... only a select few in my inner circle had been invited in and seen all my work or all of my Home.  By sharing such intimate pieces of myself in this very Public format I feel quite liberated and able to better celebrate, reveal and know myself.  I have always been a confident person and at Peace with who I am and Whose I am, but I do definitely step to the beat of a different Drummer and not everyone "got" me... but in this Community of like-minded Souls I've discovered those who do and that is refreshing and helps sharpen and inspire my creative side.  When others also enjoy what makes your Heart sing and skip a beat and feel what you feel about interests, objects and Passions it forms deeper connections than mere superficial acquaintances.

And finally, this Journey and Journaling of my Bohemian Life and choices has helped me to better deal with and cope with those unfortunate challenges Life can throw at us.  There are several that come to mind... but one in particular that I'm currently wrestling with has been tempered by the opportunity to Blog daily and escape into the World of Blog and experience the delights others around the World contribute to it.  Until now, not even Blogging about "It", and yet, any Post has been like a soothing Balm to my Spirit and Soul... whether it was my own Post or the Post of another.  You see we have a Prodigal Adult Child... and anytime your Child has lost their way it can create a great deal of anguish, stress and pain.  Unconditional Love moves us through many obstacles, but not all of them... and I've found that in Journaling my Life and the World as I know it I am now able to remove some of those more stubborn obstacles... who knew!?!?!!  I have a room in one of the Cottages of our property that has virtually stood still in time... it was our Prodigal Daughter's room, the last place she lived here.  I have kept it much as she left it and it has always been difficult for me to go there without feeling intense emotion, mostly sorrow, and not knowing how best to deal with it, so I just didn't.  So it is often layered in dust and closed off, like a time capsule of sorts.  But it was important to me to keep it as it was... as she left it... with her beautiful essence... as it is displayed in how she chose to feather her Nest as she too is a gifted creative Spirit and Artist... it's a long story.  Other items around our Home... and wee precious people... are a reminder of our Beloved Daughter and I'd longed to feel a happier range of emotions about it all, I'd struggled to in fact. Yet now because I have been changed by this simple Blog... of seeking out those beautiful things in Life to notice, appreciate more and document... I now CAN!!!  Yes, I can move past the tears, the sorrow, the concerns... and feel Hopeful, Smile often, remember the good things, good times and share them... like this... on my Blog... and this Post I dedicate to you Talana, my Fallen Angel... Dawn... The Bohemian 