We stand ready... all of us here at the Spooky old Homestead... as Halloween Eve quickly approaches... did we wait until then to break out into costume a mere one time... or a mere one costume?  No way!!!  Did we wait to Party just on the Eve of All Hallows Eve and indulge?  No way!!!  We build up to this Night with eager anticipation, with Parties, Crawls, decorating, dressing up in an array of fun garb, and guilty indulgences that will keep us on a sugar high well into the next Holiday Season.  We call upon fellow Gypsies and Bohemians to join us in the celebrations... if you're in for a good time, join us... and for the rest... we'll get you my Pretties! *He He He* And even if you are inclined to wait for the big Night... Happy Halloween from all of us and have a Spooktacular Evening... Dawn... The Bohemian

When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take - choose the bolder. - William Joseph Slim

Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein