What is perfect for one person might be perfectly strange to another.  We're all drawn to different things for different reasons and that variety is truly the spice of Life... I personally celebrate it.   Those who are kindred Spirits can relate to what like minded people find interesting, are passionate about, inspired by and are drawn to.  Those whose tastes, vision, perspective, opinions and lifestyle are different probably won't understand or connect on that level... or perhaps on any level.   Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder and the perspective, vision or creativity of who is beholding.  Being true to yourself and bold enough to be yourself, making no apologies for what you like or why you like it can be a path that some fear to tread or take time to come to terms with.  I find a definite freedom in being comfortable with who I am, what I like and expressing my individuality whether it is popular, understood... or not... so I haven't always fathomed the fears or inhibitions of those who are more timid about being themselves or care too much about what other's think or are doing.   If you truly love something why wouldn't you wear it confidently, surround yourself with it since it obviously connects with you at your core, or pursue and do it?  I can't tell you how many times someone has secretly loved or been drawn to something and then confided to me that they wished they had the nerve to do it, wear it, display it or feather their nest with it... but...    And so they deny themselves that exquisite pleasure for fear of what someone else thinks, might say, have an opinion about, feels about it, or is doing differently... how sad.   It is after all your Life, live it as YOU were meant to... it doesn't make you a misfit because you are unique and different... it makes you precious and valuable... after all, if Diamonds were common would they have as much value... I think not... so dare to be the rare Diamond you were created to be... Dawn... The Bohemian