Meet Scott, the photographer behind Blue Order on etsy. His images are hip and he mounts them in a totally unique way. The result being art that you can either hang on your wall or use flat as a giant coaster. Trust me, get one now because these babies are super cool and modern! Actually buy me one for christmas and I'll be your best friend. ;) Find his shop here on etsy!

What is your background/day job/etc?
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology (doesn’t everyone get one of these?) several years back. However for the last seven years I continued working for an engineering firm as a project estimator and executive assistant. Due to the super lackluster economy the firm closed its doors, leaving myself and many of the employees looking for jobs in other fields. Currently I’m looking for something full-time, while working very part-time for an accomplished residential real-estate agent here in the Phoenix area. I provide property photographs and detailed reports of homes during the transition process. When time allows, I’m always trying to build up my Etsy shop with sweet goods that anyone can enjoy.

How did you come up with the idea to turn photos into giant coasters/wall art?
As a little boy I was always creating objects in the form of miniature skateboards, necklaces and clocks. The last several years the focus has been on clocks using music based mediums, actual vinyl, LP album leaves and pictures from biographical books and magazines. Early in college I was introduced to a camera, a Photography 101 course and suddenly my perspective changed. Over the last few years a monumental transition took place in digital technology which made the use of my own photographs more attainable and affordable. During 2010, I started listing clocks on Etsy for purchase. Several dark months went by with only one lonely sale. On the heels of my second sale I reached out to the buyer, the hippest handmade gadget wallet store in the world; Rockitbot. Brook of Rockitbot provided me with much needed feedback, along with the brilliant idea of ditching the clock movement and focusing on photography and art. The Giant Coaster was born. This Giant Coaster Wall Art is an original handmade art piece housing a photograph for display. The art piece can be placed on a table, desk or bar as decoration, or as many others choose to do, hang on a wall as an accent.

Can you explain your process?
My two favorite parts of this process are creating the photograph and removing the protective film from the finished art. The process starts by capturing an image often based on colorful memories, beautiful eye candy or tasty music. Many times I’ll be going about my day when a song triggers a mood or memory or a friendly person may inspire a color or object. Rarely am I able to capture a spontaneous image that makes the cut, prepared subjects are often the norm. I currently use my friend, a Canon DSLR, to snap a sweet image, followed by some crops and edits landing the photograph in an 8x10” format. Using chrome finish, my wife often times paints the back of the art canvas creating a beautiful silver sheen on the reverse side; a frosty treat that isn’t usually revealed on the listed item. The photograph is then inserted, covered and locked with previously prepared plastic and accessories. The final step in the Giant Coaster Wall Art process is removing the thin protective film and serving up a shiny new art piece for display.

How long have you been selling your work?
I have been selling over these last few months of 2010 and will continue as long as buyers make this possible. Why yes, yes they do!

I totally had to grab a piece of Dubble Bubble while writing this--it's my favorite!
