We continued our Melrose Crawl at 'Frilly Frocks' which has the exclusive on Marikka Nakk, Magnolia Pearl and Rare Earth Designs clothing... I love and want it ALL!!! *wink*  I'm putting a Marikka Nakk Vintage Silk Velvet Coat on my 'Wish List'... though deciding on a color will not be such a clear cut decision... the Aqua... the Fushia... the Beige... I just don't know at this point in time!?!?!?!?!!  Behold the fabulous OOAK Mirror that Angela created... and Leslie always looks amazing in anything she is modeling for us, which this day was Marikka Nakk... ah, to be tall AND slender! *wink* I'm also loving the new line of custom dyed Velvet Hats made by an Artist that lives in Jerome... which is a wonderful place that inspires creativity and Artists gravitate to... Note to Self: I really must plan a fun weekend there soon, stay at a Historic Bed & Breakfast and see what inspiration I can come Home with?! *smiles*  But I digress... back on topic... the newest Magnolia Pearl creations also fill the Shop, wish I could get The Man to wear a Gypsy Johnny shirt! *LOL*  He's not the Artsy Bohemian type of Guy and it's not likely to happen... so I'll have to be content that at least he's attracted to Artsy Bohemian Gals like me. *wink*  Well, maybe I'll get one for him one day and when he balks at wearing it... ask him if he minds if I keep it and wear it instead?!? *Make that a conniving Artsy Bohemian Gal... evil Grin*...  Dawn... The conniving Bohemian... *LOL*

Please join us over at Debra's Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration For The Holidays Friday Blog Party...    AND over at Cindy's My Romantic Home for Show And Tell Friday!