It's a different type of Christmas Morning in our household today, a Christmas suspended in time, the presents still unwrapped under the Tree, still and quiet.   All of the gift baskets have been delivered, the Christmas Services have been attended, Friends and extended Family have been visited, Holidays meals have been shared, Santa photos were taken, all of the traditional Family activities have been enjoyed, we've driven around several times looking at all the sights and lights.

It's a different type of Christmas Morning in our household today and so I feel somewhat suspended in time as well, feeling kind of like that upside down Christmas Tree... where there is still beauty and Joy surrounding me, but... it feels and looks so different.  And that is a transition I'm meditating upon this morning as Christmas Present has me wondering about Christmas Future celebrations and how they might change over time.  Still precious and exciting... and yet different.   Not that it's a bad thing, it's just a different thing and so it feels rather odd.   You see, we've always had a houseful and it's never just been the Man and I on Christmas Morning, puttering around the house by ourselves, waking up whenever we had enough sleep on Christmas Morn. *Smiles*  We've raised Children and now we're raising some of our Grandchildren, so there has always been youthful presence on Christmas Morn for as long as I can almost recall now.   But this year the extended Family invited the Grandchildren to join them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morn.  Most of our adult Children and their Families don't live in Arizona and our Son is grown and has his own invitations and life busily enjoying the Holidays.  Everyone has remained connected and in contact, so it's not a lonely time of year for us at all, but it is strange to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Morn in a quiet House, suspending Christmas in time for a few days until we're together to open the gifts and take the photos... those of us who still live here on this property, at this Ole House.   So, as I'm surrounded by the beauty of this Christmas Suspended in Time, quietly able to contemplate and meditate upon things that normally I wouldn't have time to on this particular Morn, it's a much deeper experience... and that my Friends is perhaps a good thing... and certainly a different thing with a range of emotion and feelings that I don't believe I've experienced before on Christmas Morning... and I know it will not remain suspended in Time for very long... soon we'll be back to 'normal' *Smiles, well, OUR normal anyway LOL*... so I'm attempting to embrace it and get something special out of it and know myself better from it...  Dawn... The Bohemian

*Be sure to join us over at Debra's "Common Ground" for Vintage Inspiration Friday*    
