I always loved shows like Sanford And Son... perhaps to some, Flea Market Style is just a new approach to decorating, a novel idea they'll try for a Season or go along with because it's now enjoyed a surge in popularity and acceptability.  But for me it's been a way of life, long before it was given a label as a particular Style of decorating or been embraced by decorators and fans... it has always simply been my Lifestyle.  I'm glad that now it is being appreciated by more people and there is a demand, mostly because more discarded and overlooked Treasures are being  looked at as having value, salvaged, rescued and repurposed.  I shudder to think how many were lost to landfills, destroyed or left to ruin before the resurgence in interest took hold and folks began to take a second look, to view these Found Treasures with a creative, thrifty and resourceful eye.   Now being a Junquer, Dealer, Picker or Artist of Altered Art can not only be a way of life, but also make a living or at the very least a profitable sideline or new Reality TV Show.   Much of the stigma has been eliminated from having secondhand decor or wardrobe, collections of what were once viewed as worthless or eccentric now can become coveted items that are sought after, highly prized and can command impressive prices and bidding wars.  Folks are realizing there could be cash in the attics, sheds and basements in the form of long forgotten pieces that they didn't realize still have value and are now hot collectibles or prized pieces for Flea Market Style, Country Cottage, Industrial, Paris Apartment, Beach House Style, Secondhand Style, Retro, Nordic-French, Garden Style, Thrifty Chic, Creole Chic, Junk Market Style, Bohemian, Vintage Style, Victorian Country, Salvage Style and Shabby Chic decor. *I may have missed some Style labels but you catch my drift!*   Granted, that also means that alas, some items that us die-hard lovers of all things old and repurposed have always dragged Home to feather our nests are now becoming more scarce, more difficult to find... and at a great price... or better yet free... than previously... before the "Secret" was out! *le sigh*  But frankly, even though it means I might not be able to have someone beg me to take it off their hands anymore or find it in abundance curbside, in the local Thrifts, Tag Sales and Flea Markets... I'm delighted that these tattered Treasures, Salvage and Vintage items are now finding more good Homes, more Purpose and re-purpose than ever before.  I'm thankful that Architectural Salvage in particular is being saved, salvaged and re-sold rather than destroyed like the grand old Homes they came from, never to be seen or enjoyed by future generations and forever lost.  I enjoy seeing common, and not so common, objects from the past being used, appreciated and enjoyed in various forms.  I am delighted to see those talented in the Art of display being able to showcase these lovely old Treasures and Found Objects in ways that rival any modern vignettes and store displays and draw crowds to the Shows and Shops that offer them.  I could never personally Salvage or Save as many pieces alone as we all can together... and so I celebrate the combined efforts of those of us who have a love affair with Found Treasures and the various Styles that compliment them... the Communities that have a passion for them and proudly share their 'scores', their creations, their livlihoods, stories and collections in venues such as Magazines, Books and Blogs... and I'm proud to be a part of it in my own small way...  Dawn... The Bohemian

*Most items photographed can be found at 'Rust And Roses' in Phoenix, various Antique Shops in Old Town Glendale, or 'The Brass Armadillo Antique Mall' in Phoenix, Arizona.*