Cute Story... my 5 year old Grand-Daughter and one of her slightly older BFF's apparently decided they wanted bangs and each girl cut their own hair within days of each other *Initial Gasp... and then LOL*... ah, well, perhaps they're budding Stylists?  I must say they didn't do too shabby a job considering they had no mirrors and dull safety scissors! *Smiles*  And these my Friends will be among the memories we tend to look back upon fondly and the Stories we will tell... not necessarily the big things... but those special little things that become forever etched in our minds and Hearts... I Hope 2010 was full of such memories and Stories for each of you!


From our House to yours on this Christmas Eve I'm wishing the Joy of the Lord be evident in your life daily, every happiness to you, a Peace beyond all understanding, Faith that will abide through every circumstance, good health and healthy relationships and many precious Stories to recall and tell.   Looking back over 2010 we choose to remember the rich Blessings and memorable times the year has brought us, the Stories about the little things that touched our Hearts in some special way and we will fondly retell in the future.   Hope that 2011 will be a year rich in Blessings, precious Stories and fond memories... not only for us but for all of you as well.   And as we celebrate Christmas Day may each of us reflect upon, be thankful for and in remembrance of the Greatest Gift God gave to Mankind and the Greatest Story ever told... of His Son, Jesus Christ... evidence of His great Love, great Sacrifice, Hope and Mercy for us all... you are the Beloved of God... Merry Christmas... Dawn... The Bohemian   