Everybody knows what their greatest weakness is... mine happens to be the love of lucious fabrics... well, that and eating... but that's a whole other story, so we'll stick with the first part! *LOL*  It is the one thing I have the greatest trouble walking away from (other than good food *wink*) ... if something is made of a fabric I adore, I'm drawn to it like a Moth to a flame!  Velvets, Silks, Satins, Lace, exotic hand woven Linens, Tapestries, Needlepoint, Embroidery, Quilts, Brocades, Vintage Linens, Tassels, Fringes and Trims ... I love it all!   Becoming a Fabric Artist really just matched up my Artistic nature with the medium that I most loved.  I wear lucious fabrics, I decorate with them, I make my Art from them and I collect them. I probably own more lucious fabrics than I do any other specific thing and it's the one thing I have the most trouble parting with.  I would literally agonize over getting rid of any of my beloved fabric collections... unless of coarse I make something beautiful out of them for a client or to give as a special Gift to someone.  If I know the recipient will appreciate and cherish them as much as I do then I'm more likely to be able to let go of some without a level of anxiety.  I have some pieces that I've had around me since early childhood and I would never part with.  In fact some of these cherished fabric items are much older than I am and have been in the Family for as long as I can remember and I was honored to inherit them.  My Family traveled extensively and we were in many different Countries... so the exotic lucious fabrics were always present in our Home and I wouldn't feel at Home without the presence of such things surrounding me or wearing them.    I love wrapping myself in beautiful well made fabric clothing and wraps... paired with Antique or Vintage Jewelry it always brings numerous compliments and I just plain feel good wearing it.  I like to mix fabrics, patterns and textures and I prefer to purchase items made that way... or have them custom made in that style.  It is not for everyone and so it is often difficult to find because it's not as popular or accepted... so typically I've had to resort to making my own or finding those other Kindred Spirits who have a similar sensibility and style that make it available for those of us who step to the beat of a different drummer.  Some of the items shared today are from my personal collection or caught my eye at a couple of my fav Shops like Rust and Roses and Matilda's ClosetWhat I enjoy most about lucious fabrics is that they are still readily available and can be had at great prices.  You can spend more on those pieces that take your breath away... or you can still score equally breathtaking pieces at the local Flea Markets, Tag Sales and Thrift Stores for a pittance.  I have a passion for wraps and shawls... especially from India, Asia, Africa and Arabic Countries where the quality of the fabric and workmanship is exquisite.  In a Boutique that specializes in imports you will find them at a hefty price range and they are worth it... but at a Thrift you can often find them for under five bucks if you live in an area with a large immigrant population from those Countries that have donated their beautiful items from their Home Countries.  So I troll our local areas often seeking out coveted pieces to add to my collection at bargain prices.  They are so versatile as a fashion accessory and yet they do double duty as a decorating accessory as well.  And yep, I wear my  preferred ensembles everywhere, I have never been one to adhere to "Dress Codes" anyway, I'm quirky like that... that's yours truly bedecked in an African Wrap, MP Bloomers and Fashionista Claus Hat *and the required S.A. Jacket*... ringing my Bell for the Salvation Army with one of my Grandkids at my side. ... I know, I look like a big ole' puddin' and I cringe when I see all those extra pounds I've packed on... so this January 1st the New Year's Resolution will be to lose all that extra weight... once AGAIN!!!!!!!!  *le sigh*  So I also invested in the Zumba Fitness exercise Kit for the Holidays... how fun is that my Friends!!!???! The Grandkids and I can hardly wait to start and have us a Zumba Party *smiles*... Merry Christmas from the Southwest Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian  