I'm assuming if you're here that you are a Kindred Spirit and so when it comes to Gift Giving you are a creative giver?  Your gifts will never be ordinary, in fact, you go out of your way to make them extraordinary!  You don't shop in the usual places either... though you might procure a few basic items from the Mall or Chain Store as an accessory to your unique gift, you would not be true to yourself if you opted for the mass produced gifts that might make a quick and easy presentation, but would not make much of an impression and come as much from the Heart.  Even if you know the recipient has requested something ordinary or popular... you will still try to find a way to present it in your unique, creative, crafty, Artistic or flambouyant style so that it NEVER looks just picked off some department store shelf and hastily wrapped!   Often your packaging is as beautiful as the gift itself... and there may have even been times that your packaging has been kept and cherished as well as what it contained because it was just too lovely, thoughtful and creative to discard.   To you the presentation is as important as the present... whether it is a gift of food... decorating... your creations... or of the fabulous found Treasures that you are surprising someone with.  You take the Joy of Giving to a whole new level because truly you have learned to live to give.  You probably get as excited, tickled and eager to give a gift as most people are to receive one.  And you have discovered the Divine Principle that Givers Gain and that one can never outgive God... NEVER...  Dawn... The Bohemian

* Lower image of Gift Basket cribbed from Bing Images*

“The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.” -— Albert Einstein

“It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving.” - Richard Braunstein

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
— Jesus, in Acts 20:35