We have a Proud Moment as one of our Beautiful Grand-Daughters is Graduating!
Yeah, yeah... I know it's premature to announce it... but one of the delights of longivity is seeing your G-Kids growing up and reaching Milestones such as Graduation, Marriage, Birth of your Great-G-Kids... and our pride & excitement of such important events transcends the actual timing of said event. *Winks* 

Wow, it seems like only yesterday that she was a wee one...

They grow up so very fast... she was always a Beautiful Baby & Child...

And she has turned into a Beautiful Young Woman now.

And we were thrilled to view her Senior Portraits via the Internet...

Only problem is... our Daughter asked us to pick A Favorite!!!

And this is just a Sampling of the lovely portraits she had taken...

And each was as  fabulous as the next... so how?!?!?!?!?!?

How do Grandparents pick A Favorite?!?!?!  It's like asking us to pick a fav G-Kid... we love em ALL!

And so it goes without saying that we love ALL their Photos too... and this was no exception...

But The Man and I agonized over which ones we preferred... and we couldn't narrow it down to just ONE or even a FEW...

... So... we Fav'ed SEVERAL *winks* and will leave that difficult choice of which to send us to the Graduating Grand-Daughter and her Mom... sorry Gals... GOTTA!!!

We were just too spoiled for choice... they ALL turned out gorgeous in our opinion... *No Brag... Just Fact! Winks* ...

Because you all know ME and my proclivity to excess... I want it ALL!!! *LOL*  So somebody else has to do the editing... I'm not much of an Editor of anything... *Smiles*

And of coarse Gramma Dawn saved 'EM ALL to her Photo Favorites don't you know!  *Smiles* And I'm proud & delighted to show them off in the Land Of Blog... because of all my Favorite Things... Those we Love are the most Cherished above all... stuff is just stuff... Family is PRICELESS!!!

Dawn... The Bohemian