Is there something that is your kryptonite?  Those things that you find almost impossible to resist?
For me it is for the Love of Boheme' ... as mine is a House where no regularity is observed and I have unsettled habits it is the perfect Style for me.  Everything is subject to change without notice, on a whim, and be decorated in a most eclectic manner with whatever pleases me... regardless if, by Stylist Standards, it is against the grain and goes together or not. *Winks*  And Bohemian Style attracts me like a Moth to a flame and some things fairly scream out to me to acquire because they anchor that look that I Love...

Sometimes I listen... and sometimes I resist.  This lovely Art Nouveau Statuary Lamp was one such piece that called me like a Siren's Song while at the SWEET SALVAGE Sale... and yet I walked away from her, resisting, without even checking her price on the 1st visit... and for a while it was fairly haunting me!!! *LOL* 

 But since I have so much and I'm on a budget... I am to the point of extreme discernment on which pieces can or should come Home with me.  So sometimes I give it 'time' before reaching a decision.  Risky, yes, since the piece could be gone before I decide... but then I rationalize that it was not meant to be and it went Home with who should have had it all along!  And this Lovely Lady looked amazing in bright Outdoor Sunlight... but not as attractive to me in synthetic Indoor lighting... hey, it happens to us Ladies sometimes doesn't it?! *Wink*  The right lighting is important I tell you! *LOL*

Other things are met with no resistance at all... such as the lovely Boheme' Shade I procured from RUST & ROSES... mostly because I've been looking for a shade for a favorite Antique Lamp forever and a day...

I purchased this fab Boheme' Pot Metal Old Lamp many years ago, cast with Floral Swags, Mandolins, Rose Garlands and a sweet little Bird perched on the side, I just LOVE it... but it sat around waiting to be rewired for several years... not even on display...

And FINALLY we got around to it... but then it remained shadeless, with a bare bulb for a year on The Man's side of the bed nightstand...  now, most Men don't mind such things very much as a lamp sans a shade *winks*... but it was bothering me.  *Insert a bothered face every time I glanced over at said lamp with it's bare bulb glaring blindingly like an eclipse! LOL*

I needed a Shade that not only fit the scale of the Lamp, but would also compliment the rich Vintage Fabrics I'd layered the Bedside Table with... and since it was on His Side... I wanted to be sensitive to it not being too fussy or Femme in hue... but not so Testosterone laden that I'd hate it. *Winks, tall order I know, but I was determined to strike a balance we both could live with.* 

And this Beautiful shade Minnie made has done just that... so procuring it was a no-brainer that I didn't even hesitate or think about twice... after all, it was a necessity on the "Need" List, right? *Winks*  And The Man hasn't complained about it at all... or perhaps he doesn't care... hard to know with Guys. *Winks*

But what about those OTHER things that you're totally torn about?  Huh, what then?!?  Like this Slip Shirt that my Friend Tricia of VINTAGE BLISS designed and created that was just perfect AND in a Real Girl size, but just a tad snug across 'The Girls' and so I was totally conflicted... should I, or shouldn't I?  I decided it might be too torturous to wait until I slimmed down a bit to get it to fit and so I didn't get it... but now I'm having second thoughts because I'm totally Loving it and it's just my Style... *Le Sigh*  Alas, this was one of those "She Who Hesitates Is Lost" pieces and it went Home with another Lucky Gal who will look positively amazing in it!  I take comfort in knowing that Talented Tricia will be designing & custom dying more fabulous pieces in the future...

And then there were THESE... *Lusting over the Set and having a total full blown Love Affair, I was practically molesting them on Opening Day - LOL*...

And thanks to my Dear Friends Katie and Kim... they made it possible for me to take the Bohemian Quartet of the most PERFECT Antique Dining Chairs in sumptuous Antique Velvet of the most perfect hue... with Gesso and Carved Details galore...  Home with me on the 3rd Day of the Sale!  *Whew & overwhelmed with Surprise and Excitement!!!!!!* 

They were THE Prized Found Treasure at the Sale, they couldn't have been more "Me" if I'd had them custom made for myself, and I'm loving the feel of the original Horsehair and Straw stuffing in the seats... so I cannot Thank You enough Gals for accepting my offer, it really meant a lot to me for you to even consider it on such amazing pieces... breaking up with these Lovelies and losing them to another Gal would have been utterly depressing! *Smiles*

And acquiring the "Dream Purchases" doesn't diminish the Thrill of the 'Score' of a smaller ticket Treasure at an amazing price... like my little Vintage French Holy Water Font and Vintage Rosary...

The Rosary was a "Goodwill Hunting" Score for 99 cents... 

And the fab little Silver and Wooden Font, only $5 from RUST & ROSES Sale!!! *Happy Dancing*

Yes... my new Boheme' acquisitions join those already at the Bohemian Valhalla residence... and become part of the Collections of Found Treasures that I so adore.  Things made of Exotic Vintage Fabrics, Old Rosaries, Freshwater Pearls in every hue imaginable, Crystals and Antique Statues...

And though I confess I already have more than enough... more is NEVER enough really *Winks* and so it is still very difficult to pass up my personal kryptonite in Found Treasures... Old Needlepoint on creations such as Down filled squishy Pillows...

OOAK Vintage Bags that can provide the catalyst for future inspiration in creating unique Bohemian Bags for the modern Woman who has an Old Soul and a Love Of Old...

Rich Antique Velvets...

Bronze Statues... or any interesting Statue made of other Metals, Chalk or Bisque in an Art Nouveau, Artsy or Religious genre...

Peacock Feathers, Architectural Salvage and Persian Rugs...

And of coarse da Bling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Winks*  This lovely piece was created by my talented Friend Tricia Samsal of VINTAGE BLISS and I just LOVE it!!!

Lovely aged old Books with fabulous graphics... Treasures washed up from the Sea... and Antique Prayer Cards...

Yes, this fab Vintage Book with perfect Exotic Bohemian Graphics came Home with me from SWEET SALVAGE...

I'm a sucker for COLOR... Pastel Palettes are pretty and I admire them, as I do the all White Palettes and especially the Sepia toned Palettes... but Color, especially Jewel Tones, always creeps back into my World.  There's just something very alluring, vibrant, cheerful and full of Life in the use of vivid Colors... the impact draws me in every time...

And bold use of Color really appeals to me in decorating in that Style...

See that large bold, bright Vintage Velvet fabric... it's now MINE!!!  You're not surprised are you? *Winks*  I had been picking up other fabrics that caught my eye, but when I saw this they couldn't hold a candle to it... soft Old Silk Velvet... Jewel Tones... Boheme' print... PERFECTION!!!  I dropped the others and scooped this Treasure up with my Heart still racing with excitement!!! *Smiles*

But I do enjoy looking at and enjoying all the Boheme' elements of even those items I didn't have a desire to purchase...  and the Beautiful creative vignettes they were in.  Inspiration excites me as much as a 'Scored' Treasure! 

And I feel like this Bronze Barefoot Gypsy Maiden Dancing and Twirling to the beat of her Drummer...

Or this Lovely Gypsy Dancer on a squishy Vintage Down filled pillow...

Which, yes, had my Name written all over it, so when I went back to the Sale on the 3rd Day... she came Home with me too from SWEET SALVAGE...

Because the Bohemian Spirit and the Love of all that is Boheme' is a state of Mind and a Lifestyle... not just our clothing or decor...

It's as much a part of you as your next breath... it's my Nature...

And you connect to those items that are an outward appearance of what you feel on the inside...

Because your sense of adventure and wanderlust will often take you far and wide... bringing back Treasures from those far away places you enjoyed visiting and want to incorporate the atmosphere and Style of where ever you find yourself right now...

From the ambiance of the Exotic Lighting, this is one of many available at FIGS ...

To the colorful hand painted Tiles and Moroccan Tea Glasses you'll sip your Tea in daily or light your Tealights in to cast a warm colorful glow throughout the rooms of your Bohemian Valhalla... also available at FIGS...

To the ornate, often colorful Architectural Features...

And the richly detailed Furniture... yes, for the Love of Boheme'!!!!!!!!!!!!

And come back for tomorrow's Post where we'll wind up the SWEET SALVAGE Midsummer Night's Dream Event, which ends Sunday Night... and will leave us anticipating what Theme next Month's Sale will hold when they open again for four fabulous days of Treasure Hunting??!

Dawn... The Bohemian
