Here just a quick blog post from me. My mind isn't really into blogging right now. I made these for my dad's 60th birthday yesterday. Despite all the bad thing we are going true I thought we do needed to celebrate it. Even my mom thought so and she arranged my uncles and aunts to come as a surprise. So I made some happy nails (hoping they made me feel happy too).

Base China Glaze Kaleidoscope Don't be a square and He's going in circles. Some sort of confetti stamped with Konad SN pastel pink on the green base and SN pastel green on the pink base imageplate H21. And  some self made water decals of cute Kawaii ice creams. I colored the eyes with Essence nailart pen pearl white.

With flash.

With flash under artificial light.

Without flash.

Here some pics of only the stamping.

With flash.

Without flash.

Also some swatches of these gorgeous base colors.

Have a nice day.
