Come along my Friends... as I take you on one last stroll through SWEET SALVAGE...   

At the end of four days of a Midsummer Night's Dream Event...

I Hope you have been as inspired as I have?

And celebrated my Dream 'Scores' with me! *Still Swooning and intoxicated by them I am! Winks*

It really HAS been a Midsummer Night's Dream...

And don't we love to Live out our Dreams my Friends?

Even those that others may think are pure Fantasy!? *Smiles*

I've always believed that you can make your Fantasies your Realities... it's your choice really...

Whether to just Dream it...

Or take the necessary Actions to create it in the Real World...

So that you are truly Living your Dreams...

I know for the Talented Team at SWEET SALVAGE  this really was a Midsummer's Night Dream Come True...

They had a Vision... a Dream...

And they Invested in it... with their Time, Talents and Treasures...

Laboring tirelessly for many Moons...

Because though Dreaming doesn't take Work...

Manifesting the Dream does...

And if you want it badly enough, you can make a Dream come True...

And the great thing about their Vision and Dream is that it is something that can be enjoyed and shared with the Community...

A Dream that gives and delights others is a very Special Dream indeed... 

And I Believe that the Lord Blesses such Vision and Dreams that expand outwards to bring Joy to others...

You receive so much with such Dreams as they Manifest...

Not just materially... though that is a welcome Blessing...

But in so many other important ways!

I witnessed the Joy and Pride that this Dream made Reality created for those who had worked so very hard to bring it from Dreamland into Form and Function...

I witnessed how delighted and excited the Community supporting this Dream were as they came through the doors and beheld the Magical, Enchanted Experience it Blessed us all with...

The Atmosphere was electrifying in fact...

There we were, a bunch of Grown-Ups, being as Enchanted and giddy as a Child would be as they gaze in Wonder at something very Beautiful and exciting...

And get to partake in it... Thanks for taking a couple of pixs for me Sweet Tricia!

There was the Blessing of Friends and like minded Spirits getting together...

To Fellowship and Treasure Hunt to their Heart's content!!!

Yes, it was one of those Magical Moments when Pigs DO Fly! *LOL*  And I witnessed this cute fellow flying out the door with his new Owner in fact...  Symbolic really of Dreams taking Flight and the seemingly impossibility of Dream taking Form and becoming Reality...

And if perhaps you've been wondering if I have intentionally overdosed you with Eye Candy these past few Posts, I have... 

I have wanted to give you an explosion of inspiration, creativity and a Dream taking Form...

So that you too might Believe that it IS entirely possible that whatever you are Dreaming doesn't have to just stay in Dreamland.

It will take effort, work, investment on your part...

But I challenge you to Dream Big...

And ignite your Passions... 

And do whatever it takes... even with baby steps at first... to head towards the Dream... the Vision...

Sure, it is fun to Dream it... but wouldn't it be ever so much MORE satisfying, gratifying and exciting to LIVE IT?!?

What is IT my Friends... that thing that YOU just cannot get off your Heart and your Mind???

YOUR Dream?

And how long have you had it?  What have you DONE to create it?

Or what has been stopping you?  Stalling you?

Holding you back?

You never know what you can accomplish unless you step out in Faith and try.

Because if that Seed of a Vision is in you and won't go away, I'm of the opinion that the Lord put it there with Intention and Purpose...

It was meant to BE... and He will equipt you to see it through... if you Trust Him to.

Because He'll never Call you to something He won't also Sustain you through...

He'll open doors and make a way even if there seems to be no way possible...

Because that is how Glory is Born...

And Evident to others...

So my Hope for you this day is that you Dream the Impossible... and have Vision... Because in The Word is reminds us "Where there is no Vision the people perish..." (Proverbs 29:18)

So Partner with the Lord to Manifest YOUR Purpose through your Vision...

And you might be surprised to learn how many others share a similar Vision and then Partner with you along the Journey towards Manifesting it... put in your Path especially for the Purpose to be a Blessing and Encouragement in some kind of way...

Connecting... in that Miraculous way that happens and is sometimes difficult to explain...

It happens to me all of the time...

And I just know it can happen to YOU too my Friends.

So Dream... and Act upon it...

And then Witness the Magic happen...

And remember to thank Him and give Him due Glory...

May you never lose Faith... and may you always be inspired, uplifted, strengthened and know that you are Loved... 

Because you are wonderfully and fearfully made... and you have SO much within you just waiting to come OUT... to Bless you and Bless others through you...

And when your Dreams come True I do Hope you'll want to share the experience with us all here in the Land of Blog!!!  So that we can Celebrate together and Rejoice with you!!!

I know that I'm Rejoicing for my Friends over at SWEET SALVAGE, I am so delighted for them realizing their Dream and sharing it with us all in these delightful Monthly Events... they are a great bunch and deserving of the very best. 

We really have enjoyed their Midsummer Night's Dream... a Dream come True.

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
