Okay, so you've been getting just enough glimpses to get your pulses racing in anticipation!
And now it's almost TIME!!!
For the Grand Opening of the fabulous new Occassional Sale Shop in the Metro Phoenix area:

And here's just a Sampling of the Found Treasures you will behold my Friends:

•Repurposed architectural salvage

•vintage suitcases

•old prints - maps and botanicals

•vintage clocks

•old signage

•industrial furniture and lighting

•French textiles


•items with initials

•old glass bottles

•skeleton keys

•Italian wine bottles


•decorative tabletop vignettes

•custom upholstered chairs/sofas

•old frames and mirrors

•French grain sacks

•European baskets

•vintage books

I Hope to see you there... I know that Katie, Kim and the Sweets have been working tirelessly to fill the Shop to the rafters with the most fabulous finds ever!
And these Gals are the Queens Of The Vignette...
They make it look so effortless and their Displays delight the Senses...

So... just a few more days to wait my Friends... Thursday, AUGUST 18th they will open their doors...
So... until we meet at the SWEET...

Dawn... The Bohemian

*Source of all Images SWEET SALVAGE Blog*
