So, Okay... anyone over 50 may be able to relate to this Story of who breaks a toe getting outta the Tub? *Winks*  Strange, rather embarrassing things can happen when you reach a certain Season of Life you see... and I could make up a story of how my left toe next to the big toe got broken on a Mini Vacation recently to get out of the 120 heat of the Valley... but the Truth is actually much more entertaining *Smiles*... and The Man threatened to Rat me out should I attempt a more embellished story of how the purple, swollen, painful toe tip occurred as we revisited Jerome... *LOL*

It all started out well.. this time the G-Kids joined us so we did the whole Town in Style... and a lovely fellow Tourist asked if she could take a Family Photo for us so we could ALL be in at least one... Thank You lovely Anonymous Lady!!!

We had so much fun, as we always do visiting one of my fav Getaways...

Looking for new sites to photograph & wandering the back roads...

Riding the Old Scary Cage Elevator at the lovely Jerome Grand Hotel...

Which is even decorated with a lovely Antique Lamp & Photos...

We decided to spend the Night there in fact, so we could spend a couple of days exploring...

We'd just missed the Paranormal Ghost Hunt Tour... darn... but our Room was on the same floor as the Hotel Restaurant...

And we had magnificent views of the Valley from our Balcony Suite...

Breath-taking panoramic views...

And it's a cool Old Western Hotel...

Loaded with Antiques...

And a Local told us it had once been the largest Hospital in the area in the 1800's... hence the name of the Restaurant I wonder... The Asylum??? *Winks*  Well... maybe it wasn't THAT kinda Hospital? *LOL*

We enjoyed discovering many lovely old Homes we'd missed during our previous visit as we wandered the steep narrow Streets...

And the many, many steep staircases...

And nope... no mishaps THERE... where one would think a Gramma might risk injury... *Winks*

No... that would make sense... and I navigated all said stairs like a Mountain Goat...

No matter how steep, decaying, narrow...

No matter how wet & lushly overgrown... as mini Waterfalls cascaded beside them... and wild Ivy enveloped them...

Yep I navigated Wet... and...

Steep... and...

Lushly overgrown... with virtual ease... not a mishap one!!!

I hiked every byway looking for hidden Art...

I let nothing stand in my way...

Of capturing every visual delight...

That caught my eye & I could capture through the eye of my lens...

Far into the Night we hiked...

And explored...

And climbed...

And explored some more...

And hiked & climbed some more...

Scouring the Streets & Alleyways for visual Treats...

And Architectural Charms...

Streets that were practically vertical my Friends... without a mishap one... 

Until at the end of the Trip, whilst trying to get out of the low Tub in the Hotel... I did it... the unthinkable... I had climbed steep inclines, stairs going vertically into the Heavens...

 Rocky hillsides, perilous cliffs, dense undergrowth with running streams... with no problemo & no injuries... but getting out of said Tub apparently proved to be too much... I struggled... proudly resisting the urge to call out to The Man to Help me out & risk humiliation... NO, I could do THIS... or could I??? *Winks*  And that is when IT happened... I broke a Toe getting outta the Tub!!! *Gasp... Ah the embarrassment, the humiliation, the teasing, the hobbling, the pain, the poor ole' Toe... LOL*

And so that is my Story Friends... the proof that Fact is stranger than Fiction...
And not to be outdone, Princess T, while witnessing Gramma photographing her knarly, old, injured foot for said Post had to get in on the Action & insist I photograph her foot as well... her perfect, Young, uninjured foot... ah, them were the days when I could say that about MY feet!!! *Smiles*

Dawn... The Bohemian
