Cat over at INSPIRE BOHEMIA Sourced a dreamy multitude of inspiring Fantasy Potting Shed images in a recent Post... I found myself saving several to my favorites... and deciding I simply must do a Fantasy Potting Shed Post now.

I don't know the Sources of all of these fabulous images, but each has captured a matching Vision to what I have always envisioned the Perfect Fantasy Potting Shed for myself to be!

I lean towards the Time Worn unkempt look to a Potting Shed, one that looks as though it has been there a mighty long time and seen Seasons upon Seasons of Gardening.  An Organic look with lots of Character & Beautiful Old Gardening Tools, Terra Cotta, Galvanized Tin, Old Brick or Stone, Rustic Touches, Burlap, Baskets, Cloches, and unexpected Antique Touches like an ornate Crystal Chandie, Art & some lucious Boheme' Fabrics draping over lounging areas resplendant with very worn once oppulent Furniture.

Because you see, my Potting Shed wouldn't just be for Potting & Gardening... oh no, do you know that when I was Young I used to want to LIVE in Sheds such as these!?!  It's true... my Gran-Gran in North Wales had the most amazing Potting & Work Shed out back of their Historic Row House and I was enchanted by it... I spent more time in there imagining it as my Private Hideaway than anywhere else I can remember imagining in during my Childhood!  I can see it in my mind's eye and smell the delightful aromas even to this day... alas, no photos were ever taken in it to preserve and share the fond Memories I have of it... but to this day I've always wanted to capture it's essence in a Potting Shed of my own creation.

And to be sure there are plenty of Outbuildings on our acreage that I could have and should have already converted into said Fantasy Potting Shed... but I haven't... one Project or another always seems to get in the way of the transformation of one of those Buildings into my Fantasy turned Reality. *Le Sigh*  But I really have no excuse for not acting upon it after all this time... and perhaps now, inspired by the fabulous images Cat has shared via INSPIRE BOHEMIA  it might finally light a fire under me to quit procrastinating and get busy transforming one of these Perfect Old Buildings into my Fantasy Dream Potting Shed...

Be sure to visit Cat's Potting Shed Fantasy Post, I've only shared my particular Fantasy matches... yours might be captured in the many other lovely images she Sourced of Dreamy Potting Sheds!? 

Oh... and I discovered another one that reminded me of Viola St. Pierre's "Soul Temple Rooms" (pictured below) ...

 I have adored Viola's Vision of creating rooms from Architectural Salvage for years... this Glass House pictured below, built of Salvage, is to die for & reminiscent of Viola's lovely creations...

I've been saving Old Doors and Old Windows and their Vintage Hardware forever and a day to eventually build a Salvage Fantasy such as this... how very inspiring it is to see one manifested into the vision I've always seen in my head for so many years!!! *Epic Swoon... be still my beating Heart!*

So be sure to head on over to the SISTERS' Blog to see more of their fab designs and products!  It is a swoonfest of epic proportions!!!

Dawn... The Bohemian

•"The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge."-Albert Einstein

Fantasies are more than substitutes for unpleasant reality; they are also dress rehearsals, plans. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination."-Barbara Grizzuti Harrison